Three Assembly members come out against Maldonado

February 8, 2010

Three Democratic members of the state Assembly held a press conference Monday to voice their opposition to Abel Maldonado’s appointment as lieutenant governor. [Capitol Alert]

Pedro Nava, D – Santa Barbara, Jose Solorio, D – Anaheim, and Tony Mendoza, D – Norwalk, indicated they will vote “No” on the nomination, and urged their colleagues to join them. Maldonado was approved last week by the Senate Rules Committee and appears before the Assembly Rules Committee on Tuesday — Mendoza serves on that committee.

Nava said his vote against Maldonado is fueled by the state senator’s recent votes against increasing access to health care, protecting the environment, and helping farm workers.

“There are many of us in the Assembly who feel this is the wrong person,” Mendoza added.

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Are these the original 3 Amigos?

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this kid is a sad sad person!!

This is the same thing that mendoza said about the new and past speakers then flip floped in saying they are great.