Karl Rove coming to town
March 22, 2010
It must be a Republican dream come true — Karl Rove, popularly referred to as “Bush’s Brain,” is coming to town Saturday, March 27.
The political consultant, strategist, pundit, and author–the man credited with getting George W. Bush into the Win column in four straight elections–is speaking at the Madonna Inn Saturday night to promote his new book, “Courage and Consequence.”
Tickets are $100 per person and includes a copy of Rove’s book. For $1,500 per couple, you get a signed copy of the book and a photo with Rove. Throw in another $1,000, and you get all this, plus the chance to sit at the same table as Rove and host Cong. Kevin McCarthy.
Details for the fundraiser are available through the Republican Party of San Luis Obispo County.
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