March, 2010

Former city attorney David Hunt arrested

Police arrested a former Pismo Beach and Morro Bay city attorney on suspicion of felony spousal battery Sunday night in Santa Ana. [OrangeCountyRegister] David Hunt has been serving as the Newport Beach city attorney since December 2008. Police said that... (Continue reading)

Are nonprofit hospitals profiting?

In these tough economic times, French Hospital Medical Center in San Luis Obispo, which was losing money a few years ago, is now raking in more than $6 million a year in profits, according to a CalCoastNews analysis of data... (Continue reading)

New Assembly leader doles out staff raises

New state Assembly Speaker John Perez has been very generous with staff raises since assuming office March 1. [San Francisco Chronicle] The Los Angeles Democrat boosted pay for eight of his staff members the day he was sworn in. Most... (Continue reading)

One in four Californians lack health insurance

Nearly one in four Californians under age 65 had no health insurance in 2009, according to a new report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. [Los Angeles Times] California’s uninsured population jumped to 8.2 million last year, up... (Continue reading)

My brother decided he wanted to sing

By ALICIA PRISKE CASHMAN I have this brother, Warren. He was the typical bratty younger brother who would beat me at checkers, chess, and poker. I pretty much dominated him until I was ten years old and he could not... (Continue reading)

Discovering Hearst Castle at your own pace

By DAVID CONGALTON Last Friday afternoon, I was part of the first group to participate in Hearst Castle’s new self-guided Gardens and Vistas Tour, arguably the most dramatic change in visitor policy since the castle first opened to the public... (Continue reading)

Firm angling for Los Osos project fails the smell test in New Orleans

The engineering firm on track to be San Luis Obispo County’s choice to oversee the multi-million-dollar Los Osos wastewater project is the subject of a new scathing report by the inspector general of New Orleans. [Times-Picayune] The 28-page report claims... (Continue reading)

First public peek at Meg Whitman’s money

Former Ebay chief Meg Whitman would like to be the next governor of California. To do so, she faces at least three main challenges: (1) defeating Steve Poizner in the June Republican primary, (2) defeating Democrat Jerry Brown in the... (Continue reading)

Set your clocks forward tonight

Just a friendly reminder from CalCoastNews: Be sure to set your clocks forward one hour before you head to bed tonight. We all lose one hour, but at least it will be light outside during the evening.... (Continue reading)

Oceano flooding battle rages on

An Oceano business owner has taken his fight to stop the flooding that plagues his former business to the state appeals court. [NewTimes] In 2006, Bill Bookout sued Caltrans, the Oceano Community Services District, San Luis Obispo County, the Pismo... (Continue reading)