PG&E spending millions on Prop 16

March 10, 2010

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) has already spent $15.5 million of its own money supporting Proposition 16 on the June ballot–and the utility may just spend another $10-$20 million before the election. [Capitol Weekly]

Prop 16, which PG&E is pushing, limits the creation of local electricity districts without the approval of two-thirds of the local voters. All donations in support of the proposition have come from PG&E, including a $9 million check on Feb. 12. In contrast, opponents to Prop 16 have raised about $26,000.

Critics content that passage of the proposition would cripple the ability of local governments to create publicly owned and operated utilities throughout California. They cite an example where cities in Yolo County tried to join the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District.  The move was defeated, in part, by an $11 million PG&E campaign.

PG&E counters by arguing there should be rigorous debate by the voters whenever cities consider pouring millions of taxpayer dollars into creating their own utility districts.

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Check out the Shredder as he brick bats a local PG&E shill.

Typical corporate meddling with the public right to determine its future. And of course all the money they spend to sabotage our energy options comes from us via high charges. Just like the so called health industry in wrecking effective health care reform; just like all the corporate efforts to defeat and reasonable democratic action that benefits the public at large. These too big to fail companies should be disbanded, broken up and made to get out of our political life.