Four SLO juveniles arrested for explosive devices

April 3, 2010

Four 17-year-old male juveniles, all residents of San Luis Obispo, were arrested late Friday night for possession of explosive devices.

Police responded to a 9-1-1 call around 10:30 p.m. Friday, following an alleged incident near the intersection of Pacific and Archer Streets in San Luis Obispo. A man reported being sprayed with an unknown liquid by occupants of an SUV. Upon confronting the passengers in the SUV, the man said that one of the occupants flashed a knife. As the SUV sped away, a small plastic bottle containing chemicals was thrown from the vehicle and exploded.

The four juveniles were arrested moments later near the intersection of Madonna Rd. and S. Higuera Streets. It is not known whether the suspects are involved with other reported cases of explosives being denotated–ten since January in San Luis Obispo.

All four were turned over to the SLO County Juvenile Services Center. They are charged with intent to make explosive or destructive devices. Two of them face an additional charge of possessing explosive or destructive devices in certain places. One suspect is also being charged with drawing/exhibiting a deadly weapon in a threatening fashion.

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Let me get this right. So, Willie thinks the victim is at fault “I would like to know a little about the victim”.

So Willie, if you were the victim in this case would you want someone questioning who you were and what you are all about. The victim reported a crime. An innocent victim. What would you expect them to do? The person was violated. Is that O.K. with you. Did that person want to be violated? I don’t think so.

Are you telling everyone that if it happened to you you would just let it go?

Sure Willie! Let’s let the kids get away with it so they can progress to bigger and better pranks until someone gets hurt. Then maybe you will see the serious of their actions.

“Willie thinks the victim is at fault “I would like to know a little about the victim”.


So Willie, if you were the victim in this case would you want someone questioning who you were and what you are all about.


The victim reported a crime. An innocent victim. What would you expect them to do? The person was violated. Is that O.K. with you. Did that person want to be violated? I don’t think so.


Are you telling everyone that if it happened to you you would just let it go?


Sure Willie! Let’s let the kids get away with it (NO) so they can progress to bigger and better pranks until someone gets hurt. (NO) Then maybe you will see the serious of their actions. (MAYBE)

I sure would like to know a little more before I ‘m outraged by either a misdemenaor or a felony level act and also whether it was aggravated. Just like to know a little more.

On the face of the report, what these kids did is intolerable.

Something like this would probably not happen to me unless they were like the group in LA doing drive by shooting with paint ball gun.

In my younger years, a violent environment was no stranger to me.

If it did happen to me, the outcome would be entirely different regardless of it being 4 to 1 odds and one with a knife, but I am not the type to draw trouble outside.

I’ve seen many different sides of violence and its differing re-constructions.

What’s wrong with wanting to know a little bit more to adjust my “level” of concern or vigilance?

About 40 years ago (one example), in a nightclub (Bachelor’s party) a group or gang (some under the influence of drugs) assaulted me, I was injured by both knife and hidden razor, in court “I was being implicated for aggravated ADW by the defense attorney”. (The DA warned me they are going to lie and do this).

About that same age, I was on a motorcycle getting gasoline at a gas station, three thugs approached me from the back, calling me vulgar names because I ignored them, one of them pushed me on the back, I turned and swing, he flew in the air and onto the asphalt, never woke up. A passing police car arrived and “I was in handcuffs” until the gas attendant came out and told the officer what really happened (they had previously called the police about these muggers.

All this when I was younger. I am an advocate of being the mature/ smart, where it takes two to lock horns, I preach to walk away. When involved in such conflict, the court judge is gona ask if you could have walked away, and if you could have, did you try to walk away!

I am simply saying our experience and “perception threshold” differ.

And I do respect you feelings and outrage on this.

I am more deeply rooted on the attitude of these kids as to whether they understand the golden rule or are willing to understand it. More info will tell me if it is misdemeanor or felony!

Yes willie, lots of different conclusions could be drawn from the information available, which is not much. I remember when I was a kid, some friends and I turned the windshield cleaner spray nozzles sideways, so that we could spray people with water when we drove by. It was hilarious to us, but not too hilarious to the woman who called my parents screaming about how she thought we had sprayed her with poison or acid and that we should be imprisoned.

I fully agree

Some take on to the golden rule later or sooner than others.

In SLO/ residence of SLO?

Appears they were ready for a mini-Armageddon.

Knife, was it used to psychologically intimidate or fend someone away (Maybe unlawful, maybe defending)?

Spray but no harmful chemical mentioned, who made the approach first (Maybe unlawful, maybe fending)?

Possession of an explosive device, harmful but not deadly in design, home made cherry bomb (Unlawful-in trouble for sure on this)!

This may seem irrelevant to many but I won’t opinionate until I get a little more data.

Who first approached or lured, who first assaulted?

Could the victim have been an innocent bystander bullied and harassed?

Could the victim have been an intrusive transient (yes, with a cell phone) approaching, annoying them unwelcome (can cause fear)?

One down side is the four kids seemed equipped (motive) for trouble or looking for trouble.

I would like to know a little about the victim!

If the victim has a record, he would know how to turn his intrusive intent around (cause or draw the trouble and play the victim, this is also possible)!

I been here before these kids were even born.

I’m around lots of children in SLO, haven’t seen too many real bad kids.

I know boys will be boys and will get into a little trouble from time to time.

I want to know more before I allow this story to take me into grave concern.

Yes I can read, and no I am not stupid.

Hmm, well willie it would appear, based the current score of -15 for your comment, that people are not at all in agreement with you about not passing judgement until they get the full picture, nor are they supportive of the possibility that things can get blown out of proportion by the authorities sometimes and made into bigger issues than they ought to have. I’d say both are rather disturbing. In fact, that’s possibly the lowest comment score I’ve ever seen. Kind of makes me wonder, like, maybe some group of people other than regular posters were directed here to add their input. Or perhaps I’m just missing something really offensive in what you wrote?

Of course I’m not saying that is necessarily something that was not represented accurately, but neither was willie.