Local business steps in to help return Annie

August 20, 2010

A San Luis Obispo business is joining the effort to return Annie, the dog who has been the subject of recent media attention, to her original owner.

Cloud Star, a company that manufactures and markets natural pet products, announced Friday that they will give $1,000 to the people who currently have the Australian shepherd if they agree to return the dog to Chuck Hoage of Arroyo Grande.

If those same people end up adopting a new dog from an animal shelter, Cloud Star will donate an additional $1000 to the shelter.

“We are passionate about animals and responsible pet ownership,” said Cloud Star co-founder Jennifer Melton. “We’re making this settlement offer in an attempt to resolve the complex issue surrounding Annie.”

Meanwhile, supporters of Hoage are gathering outside the County Courthouse on Monterey Street next Tuesday, Aug. 24. at noon. Hoage will be there to thank the community for their ongoing support in a case that has attracted Internet attention from as far away as England.

District 3 Supervisor Adam Hill, who has become the county’s point person on the issue, said in a radio interview Thursday that the people who currently have the dog are out of town until September 1. Hill hopes to meet with them in early September to explore ways of returning Annie to Hoage.

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Hey, Cal Coast News, did you know that Roni Deutch, your big advertiser here is being investigated by the state attorney general’s office for defrauding people? Just thought you might want a heads up…

As for Annie the dog, the new owners should give the man his dog back immediately, take the reward money being offered if you want, but do the right thing and give Chuck his cotton pickin’ dog back. What the heck is the matter with you people? Do you want bad karma to follow you?

There are too many unwanted dogs in this world (shoot just in the local animal shelters) give one of them a chance at a loving home. Annie already has a family and a home, so, GIVE THE DOGGONE DOG BACK.

To recap a bit, Hoage could have done a better job of caring for his dog including have it chipped and was a bit tardy notifying Animal Services. He’s a nice guy, obviously loves his dog and. I’ll bet, will act differently in the future,

All of this well intentioned effort centers around trying to shame the present owners into returning her. I guessing they are the usual crop of noveau central coast shameless selfish people. I’m stereotyping now, but I’ll guess they’ve moved here within the past 10 years from some major urban hell hole. But I digress….

Can we somehow have the real culprit take a stand. Just for once. SLO Animal Services made a mistake. They gave someone else’s dog to the wrong person. Have County Counsel take their feet down off of their desk for 10 minutes and find one of those grey subjective areas of the County Civil Code that will enable them to take the dog back. It’s done to thwart unwanted development projects all the time. If they can’t figure it out, have them ask a public defender for help, those guys can be pretty creative.

Next write the culprits a nice demand letter telling them to return the dog. Maybe even include a short sappy apology if you have to, THEN GO GET THE DOG.

Adam Hill’s offer to get them a replacement dog, all of this public handwringing and demonstrations at Farmer’s Market or where ever simply play into all of the drama.

The entire problem has one fundamental cause, the failure of our county government to present any kind of a leadership role. The feckless ledership by this Board of Supervisors and trying to be all things to all people (in this case trying to be kind, gentle and sensitive to a family of selfish jerks) results in being nothing to anyone.

One of our supervisors keeps saying that “Sometimes government just needs to make the tough choices”. Well, we’re all out here still waiting for an example.

racket, your comment was nasty; when is the last time you saw the system correct a wrong without public support? It’s true that Cloud Star will probably realize more business as a result of their support.

They are going to contribute $2,000.00 to this cause and that takes a lot of pet food sales to break even on that cash layout. Upon reading this article, the sales necessary for them to break even was my first thought . My second thought was that I would start buying my pet food from them. There are 7 homes in my neighborhood and 3 of us collectively adopt the stray’s that show up. Some are feral and we see to it that they are fed (after we trap and have then spay/neutered). Between the 3 families, we purchase plenty of pet food when you consider the homeless are included. I hope others will show their appreciation and support Cloud Star by giving then their business. I appreciate Cloud Star for getting on board. Thank You Cloud Star. Anyone else???

Cloud Star is awesome and I do not think they have any selfish motives in mind. When you are an animal lover and respector it is easy to be generous in helping correct wrongs like this one. There are still lots of people and businesses out there that have a genuine care and sense of compassion when it comes to heartbreaking stories. Let’s face it, life is very trying right now and on the whole most of us are not in a position to change things in the large picture, but this shows there are a whole lot of people out here who are willing to help when it is within our ability. You must be a very unhappy person to try and take the gift of caring and giving away by hateful remarks.

DIRTY WORK is accomplished quietly. Look at Bell. Complain if politicians aren’t responsive, and complain if they are! What do you want?

Issues require publicity to be solved.


Adam Hill and this Melton ought to be ashamed of themselves for using a crappy situation to promote themselves. Good work gets done quietly, this smacks of showmanship.

Racket, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Basic rule most moms teach.

Please allow me to retract my mean-spirited and groundless accusations. It is a charitable act of kindness Melton has done, and it was inappropriate for me to characterize it as anything other.