October, 2011

Oceano opposes proposed dune regulations

The Oceano Community Services District voted 4-0 to send a letter to county air regulators opposing proposed rules that place fines on the state for not improving air quality at the dunes. [Tribune] Board members voiced concerns over the effect... (Continue reading)

Billy Idol is money at the Chumash

By COLIN JONES If there was anyone born to be a rock star, it’s gotta be Billy Idol. I mean this guy’s DNA from persona to attitude to music spells it out completely. But the lifestyle can be a bit... (Continue reading)

Click! California Photo Festival, event photos

The second annual Click! California Photo Festival is the largest photography event on the Central Coast. More than 200 photography buffs attended the five-day event that included more than 170 classes, workshops, seminars, countywide photo shoots and networking events. If... (Continue reading)

Were police slow to respond to 911 call?

A mountain biker on a path frequented by families and hikers had to wait about a half hour for law enforcement to show up to a 911 call of a dead, battered body he discovered at the base of Cerro... (Continue reading)

Restaurant review: Robin’s a smashing success

By LOUIS  BISHOP It is hard to think of a vegetable more symbolic of a season than pumpkin in autumn. So symbolic that most of the effort seems to go into turning them into icons rather than into food–pumpkin pie... (Continue reading)

Local nurse is the overtime pay champ of California

A nurse at the California Men’s Colony (CMC) in San Luis Obispo earned $269,810 last year by tripling her regular pay with overtime hours. [Bloomberg] Jean Keller got more overtime in 2010 than any other state employee. In all, California’s... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles gangs, civic concern growing

Residents of Paso Robles and other North County communities are keenly aware of a growing gang presence in their neighborhoods, but many public officials continue to pretend nothing is wrong. [NewTimes] In recent weeks, law enforcement agencies have banded together... (Continue reading)

Governor targets fat public pensions

A higher retirement age and a less benevolent pension system await new state workers in the future if a plan to be unveiled Thursday by Gov. Jerry Brown succeeds. Brown also will be targeting the purchase by current state employees... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly boss pay lawsuit bounced

A Los Angeles judge tossed a lawsuit Tuesday contending new Cal Poly president Jeffery Armstrong was higher than allowed by law. The lawsuit, filed by Lillian Taiz, president of the California Faculty Association, alleged that Armstrong’s $380,000 annual compensation was... (Continue reading)

PG&E gas line ruptures during pressure test

A major PG&E gas transmission line ruptured during a pressure test Monday south of Bakersfield as the utility was planning to boost gas levels on the pipeline to meet winter demand. [SF Chronicle] The 34-inch transmission line that runs from... (Continue reading)