Support CalCoastNews

March 22, 2013

penWhether it’s a non-profit misappropriating donations, a developer misusing investor funds, or a chief of police abusing her men, CalCoastNews is watching out for you.

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CalCoastNews’ independent investigation team exposes injustice, waste, mismanagement, wrongdoing and corruption. After five years of investigative reporting, public trust in CalCoastNews has led to an increase in credible tips and numerous requests for investigations.

By supporting our advertisers — such as Blakeslee and Blakeslee, Karen Scott Audio, ABC Bail Bonds, The Cliffs Resort, Café Roma, Pellett Insurance Services, Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center, Community Health Centers and Long Term Care Ombudsmans — you are supporting investigative reporting on the Central Coast.


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If the outlaws are eligible to receive taxpayer funded grant monies then I beleive that CalCoastNews should have the access to the same funding. This public forum has already elevated questions that absolutely need to be answered.

I’m just here for the slither and hiss, but I guess I’d better refamiliarize myself with the DONATE button as it has been quite some time since I’ve used it. You?

Entirely true. CCN deletes any comment it does not like.

Have you ever seen an anonymous-anyone-can-post comment board before? They don’t last long with reasonable people. I’ve had several comments deleted away, probably for good reason, and sometimes I think there’s a bit too much moderating, but that’s how it is: it’s not strict science, the rules are there and many of us like to skim along them sometimes. Overall, I think it’s fine. Heck, they let Ted do his anti-religious shtick all the time, so it’s not terribly over-controlling.

Anti-religious shtick == ok

Pro gun civil rights == not so much

I don’t mind being moderated in a timely manner. Just tell me which part of my comments violate which part of the guidelines. Simply deleting comments with no feedback does nothing to help the user self modulate in the future.

Comments left in the moderation queue make it difficult to engage in dialog with other members.

More often than not, it seems like it is not what is being said, but rather whether or not a particular moderator disagrees.

Shtick is a funny bit that a comedian is known for (George Burns cigar, Jack Benny fiddle)

CCN does not have a funny bone in its figurative body.

What’s with you? I come here to read the stories and yeah I read the posts too. When Mary Malone starts with her OCD, so what, skip pass her. If you want the truth about what is going on in this county, this is where you’re going to read it and CCN has to make a living too as do the advertisers who help to support.

So far, the CCN crew has been able to give us this reporting free of charge and they do 10X the work that the Tribune does on getting us the “skinny”. Try some appreciation and say Thank You CCN and your supporters.

Adam Hill speaking: You must not patronize and CCN advertisers, and KVEC is also treading on thin ice. You must only patronize Tribune advertisers as the Tribune vets it’s stories carefully with the people that the stories are about.

I don’t have very much $$$, but if there were more restaurant advertisers, I’d support them.

That’s a tough business to solicit from, restaurateurs, as they are usually just skimming by (and if they aren’t, they probably don’t need to advertise). I do agree it would be nice, though.

I had a complete hip replacement procedure done at Sierra Vista, and I have nothing but nice things to say about the personnel and the care they provided me..

I shopped my existing homeowners and auto insurance with Pellett insurance from Paso Robles. The outcome might sound too good to be true but it is a fact that after 12 years with Farmers insurance and never having had a claim for auto or against my homeowners insurance, Pellett saved me over $700.00 a year with higher coverage added (over 100K) to my replacement coverage on my HO policy. I didn’t forfeit any coverage for those savings but actually added coverage at a considerable savings.

I seriously recommend that people visit Karen Daniels who is the owner of Pellett Insurance and ask her to give you a quote. The company that she transferred me to is triple A rated and a well known insurance company. I am very very happy about this as $700.00 a year isn’t exactly chump change and it doesn’t cost anything to see if you can get a better rate, especially if your current company has been raising your rates over the years.

I also went to Ernie’s Tire King and got an excellent deal on a brake job. I got great service, they were very nice people and I saved over $60.00 there as compared to a quote from my regular repair shop.

OH YEAH – I forgot to mention an excellent color specialist who used to advertise here last year. I tried him and have kept going because of the realistic hair color and cut that he does. His name is George Braddy and he is down by the railroad station in SLO. His number is 703-4362. If you want a great cut or some perfect hair color with realistic/believable natural appearing high lights, TRY GEORGE (he listens!)


“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” (1Peter 3:3-4)

My dear Cindy, to the Hebrew -Christian God, there is no need for a Sister of Eve to “color” their hair. Do what is right next time, and just be natural so as to be precious to God.

Jesus will thank you.

Ted, if Cindy wants to color her hair, that’s her God given right to do so. I don’t see the relevance of scripture when an individual makes a personal choice. We are free to make personal choices without senseless persecution from others. Lets be richious about things that matter please.

Cindy, do whatever makes you feel good!

Ted, you might look into a spa visit to chill out. (Seriously)

Denny’s Grand Slam,

Uh, where do you get your biblical knowledge from? A Cracker Jack’s box?

Where in the hell do you get this God-given-right crapola that any Christian isn’t to follow direct biblical doctrine as the inspired word of God dictates?! Where does it say in the bible that a woman Christian can usurp the word of God in 1 Peter 3:3-4 and nilly-willy do what they want? Huh? All Christian women are to follow the passage in question, period!

It is quite obvious that you’re not a Christian, but a follower of another cult that doesn’t know their @ss from a wild grape. Therefore, seriously, I suggest that you remain silent upon godly matters to save yourself any further embarrassment.

While you’re wiping the egg off of your face, the inspired word of our God also says that women are NOT to wear pant suits! “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.” (Deuteronomy 22:5)

“”Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” (Proverbs 30:5) Key word: EVERY. Get it?

Now, go sit in the corner.

^^^ CNN ^^^ This is why your donate button will suffer. If you allow religious bashing, you simply alienate donors. Simple concept really.


How can biblical passages presented within context, in any way, be religious bashing, because that is essentially what you’re saying when I present them? The outcome of this concept is like saying the bible is bashing itself by presenting itself within context. Therefore, this syllogism deduces to removing the bible altogether to remove the foundation of any further religious bashing. Huh?

Denny, Ted is a troll and is just hoping and waiting for a post like yours to come along. Most of us just move past him; we’ve given up feeding him long ago.

Thanks for the info Roy,

Ted, I don’t need you spilling out your hatred under the mask of religion. Calling people names is childish and should be reserved for the privacy of your home

( one can only imagine that you’re alone)

Please stay on topic as constructive opinions are very welcome.

Denny’s Grand Slam,

Uh, what hatred are you talking about, unless you’re mistakenly assuming that the biblical passages owned by God, and pertaining to wowen, are the hatred that you speak of? Yes? Are you having a hard time dealing with absolute biblical passages relating to the stories at hand, like 99.99 percent of the CCN alumni are as well? Welcome to the club.

I called you a “Denny’s Grand Slam,” which is apropos to your ignorance of scripture, and it was in the privacy of my home. Thank you.

My retort wasn’t off topic, because our dear Cindy mentioned her hair, and her ungodly act of dying it, referring to an individual that is connected to advertising here at CCN. I am to spread the Gospel, get it? (Mark 16:15)

YOUR QUOTE: “Please stay on topic as constructive opinions are very welcome.”

CONCLUSION: So, when are you going to stay on topic and not rant off like you’ve done in trying in vain to address my posts? The pot calling the kettle black? Yep. Oh, do you realize how inept a statement like “one can only imagine that you’re alone” actually is? Do you have any inkling whatsoever in that this statement of yours is infantile? Please remember, this is an adult forum, okay?

In closing, what part of my statement to you didn’t you understand? To wit: “Therefore, seriously, I suggest that you remain silent upon godly matters to save yourself any further embarrassment.” Unless you like the proverbial egg continually piled upon your face, I suggest that you follow said request.

Thank you.

I wish that Ted would tell me which church to go to on Sunday. I’m more prone to watch sports on TV or work in the garden but I’d be seriously down for some snake-handling, Bible-believing gospel given true opportunity.

Thanks Cindy,

My HO policy renews in June, I’ve had the same policy for 8 years and it has gone up about 20-25% despite having no claims either. I’ll check out Pellett Insurance and let them shop it for me. That kind of savings with a AAA rated insurance does sound too good to be true so if your lying, I’m gonna tell everybody ;)

“that kind of savings with a AAA rated insurance does sound too good to be true so if your lying, I’m gonna tell everybody ;)”

LOL, DEAL but when you find out that I’m telling the truth, you have to promise to come back and tell everybody that too. By the way, like I said, I had Farmers Insurance, I don’t know if you will save as much as I did if you have a different insurance company but I bet you’ll still save and it’s worth checking.

Cindy, I take it that you also transferred your auto insurance along with the HO policy to realize that king of savings? If so, did you initially have your auto with Farmers as well? I don’t doubt you but $700.00 is a pretty huge savings although there are valuable discounts when people bundle.

Yes the auto is included as a bundle with my new insurance. Off the top of my head, I saved $450.00 – $500.00 on the HO and the rest of the savings was between the auto and the fact that I bundled the two for an added discount.

I had the same bundled package with Farmers. The only difference is that I am now paying far less and with increased coverage. I guess this is what happens when people become complacent about watching their insurance company simply raise rates every year especially on the HO policy. I really am so pleased that I gave Pellett a call. I never would have if I hadn’t seen the advertisement here and then opened my insurance renewal. I’m still amazed that I saved all that money.

Mark, I am the owner of Pellett Insurance Services Inc. please do give my office a call and ask for me. (Most of you already know I am Karen Daniels). I will personally provide your policy review, coverage assessment, and quoting process. I extend this offer to all CCN posters.

I encourage everyone reading this post to gather together ALL of your insurance policies, dust them off, and dare to give them a look over. It is always a good idea to review your coverage with your agent once a year.

More importantly, when Pellett Insurance Services Inc saves you all that money, remember to donate to CCN and show your support.

I do.

…and have been for a while!