How we can thrive

November 12, 2013


Why don’t we live life fully? Why don’t we live integratively rather than so dis-integratively? When most everyone knows how to exercise, eat well, and manage stress, why don’t they? Why do we so easily fall back into “bad” habits and into cycles of guilt, worry, and addiction? Why are we more motivated by fear than love? These are among the questions I ask of myself and my patients every day.

At the heart of this answer, I believe, is a deep uneasiness felt by everyone to some extent that something is “not quite right” in the world. A background level of stress permeates our existence and manifests in our visible world as climate change, an unsustainable economy, a “disease-care system” that cannot work no matter who funds it, and the widening chasm between the “haves” and “have-nots” of our world. Our mainstream media and education system obfuscate the truth in a well-concerted effort to promote a sense of dissatisfaction in our lives and foster consumerism.

In the face of these forces, true healing seems impossible for most. So how do we escape this cycle?


Awareness enlivens the physiology and comes from the trans-logical practice of meditation, silence. Looking within for answers not without. If you ever wondered what separates wisdom from intelligence, the answer lies in accessing your spiritual self so that you use intelligence and intelligence doesn’t use you. Experience nature, silence, you; in doing so you break the cycle of fear, disease, and addiction that unconscious intelligence breeds.

Go to the website and start by watching the movie Thrive. This video best portrays those forces present in the world that keep us from wholeness-healing. More importantly, the movie and the website provide you with actions you can take individually and community-wise to enable an environment that supports our collective nature: Thriving.

This movement will challenge and, I hope, excite you. As a physician I see only one answer to our health-care crisis: Waking up. To see each individual’s healing without looking at the context of their environment defies reason. In humanity’s quest for knowledge, wisdom suffers. How does one distinguish fact from fallacy? Ask yourself in your quest for knowledge today: Did this information breed understanding, and did that understanding breed compassion? Knowledge that cultivates fear and separateness turns the fact-holder into a manipulable pawn. Knowledge that engenders understanding and compassion creates wisdom and Thriving!

Your journey to Health and Healing by Gary E Foresman, MD.


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Mass hypnosis has been extremely effective in America.

Thank you for the reinforcement, Dr. Foresman! Obviously, not everyone is ready to move toward awareness.

Recently read an article rating countries with the best quality of life. Switzerland was number 1. Mexico number 10. We weren’t on the list!!! We need to change our thinking to change our life. I think Dr. Foresman is suggesting a new direction that could make fantastic changes as long as we get out of the apathetic rut…

At the heart of this answer, I believe, is a deep uneasiness felt by everyone to some extent that something is “not quite right” in the world. A background level of stress permeates our existence and manifests in our visible world as climate change, an unsustainable economy, a “disease-care system” that cannot work no matter who funds it, and the widening chasm between the “haves” and “have-nots” of our world.


A much better explanation is evolution. Simple evolution. An extremely large brain having evolved exceptionally fast, sitting on top of an upright walking monkey of a body.

This highly evolved human mind is fully able to comprehend the fleetingness of life, the whimsical–ness of life, the competition to survive, etc. basically all the things that modern man has lived through since emerging from the caves 250,000 years ago and it’s even possible we have stored in our brains some of the treacheries of life extending all the way back to when our ancestors dropped out of trees and started walking millions of years ago and were not even at the top of the food chain. And that’s what the best of healthy emotional minds have to deal with. For the flawed human minds, of which there are millions again due to the inherent flaws of evolution, double to tenfold the stress factors.

Think about it. Just 30 years ago, we were on the edge of nuclear war with Russia. 70 years ago we were in a world war, not knowing if we were going to be German lamp shades. 150 years ago, we were killing each other in a civil war. 1000 years ago, the Europeans in us were fighting off murdering and pillaging Vikings or Saxons depending on who’s side you were on —and it only gets worse going back from there, much worse.

Today the average person is probably juggling 20-30 bills a month, watching 2-5 hours of TV daily catching the highlight of horrifying crimes all across the nation and the world almost instantaneous to when they happen while at the same time constantly being bombarded with negative political and economic ads and rabid consumerism. Just 300 years ago, you wold have consumed only what you grew or killed and maybe would have had one bill–property taxes–and you wouldn’t know anything beyond your village until 6 months after if happened and probably nothing every beyond your region. You didn’t even have electricity or know what is was

And beneath all this knowledge is the ultimate knowledge that any one of us matters about as much as an ant does to an ant colony–which is to say you don’t matter. If you die today, 99.999999% of the world goes on tomorrow without missing a beat or you in any way whatsoever. In fact, many more cheer the ending of a life to make more room for their selves than they mourn. To call yourself a toothpick in the ocean is to overstate your importance.

And if that’s not enough, you then get to deal with the knowledge that, if you’re lucky, this journey lasts a maximum of about 80 years under the best of circumstances.

In other words, it’s called the human condition. Now that I’ve cheered you up with a reality check on why you don’t walk around cheerful like a young child all the time, have a nice day.

Right on CHOC! Now, all we have to do is develop a lot more prefrontal cortex and a lot

less limbic system!

Unfortunately, Dr. Foresman is speaking to repackaged new age eastern Buddhism. Any philosophy that sees enlighten man as the cure is doomed to fail. Always has, read your history. It is the “awareness” of a changed spirit, done by the work of God, through his Son, Jesus, when we see our truly broken lives, in his broken world, transformed by someone who is knowledge, being, and love, that we can deal with this world through the power of the One who created it. Anything which has “man”, as any part of the solution always fails.

It is the “awareness” of a changed spirit, done by the work of God, through his Son, Jesus, when we see our truly broken lives, in his broken world, transformed by someone who is knowledge, being, and love, that we can deal with this world through the power of the One who created it.


All gods hide at all times while the most uneducated, ignorant and delusional in every society do their bidding.

Anything which has “man”, as any part of the solution always fails.


Funny. Many is the only creature on this planet and in the known universe to have accomplished anything. Man just sent a spacecraft out of the solar system. Man just landed a spacecraft on Mars. Man has just explored a galaxy 13.3 billion light years away. And man has accomplished all this while fighting off his backward religious neighbor at every turn. While man continues to achieve incredible accomplishments your and every other God continues to hide.

The terms,”trans-logical; live integratively, and wholeness-healing,” seem to be the magic

buzz words used by practioners of Supplemental, Complementary & Alternative Medicin (A.K.A (S. C. A. M.). They (the terms, not the practioners), are incapable of any clear,

concise, empirically validated, non-falsifiable or scientific medical consensus and because of

these factors have little or no value outside of the “Woo Factory,” that manufactures them.