Race relations on the mend in California, poll finds

April 13, 2015

race relationsA recent poll of voters across the state indicates that Californians believe race relations are improving, but racial discrimination remains widespread. [LA Times]

Nearly two-thirds of participants in the USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll said they believe race relations are better in California than elsewhere in the country. Most of those surveyed also think race relations in California are stable or improving.

Less than 25 percent of participants said race relations in the state are getting worse. Still, an overwhelming majority of voters surveyed said blacks and Latinos face substantial discrimination.

The poll found that 43 percent of California voters think police are generally tougher on blacks than any other group. That figure has increased 10 percent since September, following a string of fatal police shootings of black men elsewhere in the U.S.

Nearly 75 percent of participants said race relations are good or excellent in their neighborhoods. But, just under 50 percent hold that view of California as a whole.

When asked if they frequently mingle with people of another race in settings like parties or picnics, 45 percent said they do. Only 33 percent of responders said they frequently mingle with people of another race in their place of worship.

California’s population is 39 percent white, 38 percent Latino, 14 percent Asian, 7 percent black and 2 percent Native American.

Whites and Asians face the least discrimination, according to the poll. A little more than 50 percent of those surveyed said Asians face discrimination at least sometimes, and 29 percent said whites face discrimination at times.

When asked about immigration, 57 percent of participants said they believe illegal immigrants have a mostly positive effect on the state’s economy. Five years ago, 40 percent of voters held that view of illegal immigrants.

Pollsters also asked about discrimination pertaining to gender and sexual orientation. The poll found that 63 percent of state voters think California women face discrimination at least sometimes, and 73 percent believe gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender face discrimination at least some of the time.

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Race relations on the mend in California, poll finds…

A poll finds? really?

If there were any more compelling reason to ignore polls than this; I do not know what that would be.

“White” people aren’t white. If everyone called them what they really are: “Pink-Americans”, and they received just a bit of the stigma that other groups get all the time, there might be some hope that a few of the ignorant could be educated, and race relations could improve.

well maybe since you probably get like zero sunlight because you’re diligently working on your next ridiculous posting… your skin probably is pink. (; )

So “nice” to hear that race relations are on the mend? Oh but wait, racism is not. In fact, racism is even worse. It’s disturbing that racism is so prevalent. Equally disturbing to me, is that classism is rampant! So many beautiful mixed race children in the world these days. I love that. The sad part is that most, or at least a significant ‘some’ of these kids don’t even know what their ethnicity is? It’s my experience that the kids these days are much more focused on class & status. The only good byproduct of this is that racism is slightly diminished. Only among the young children. Sadly, not in society as a whole!

Those polled must not watch or listen to any news at all.

Sounds like we need Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to come out to California to shake things up a little. Racial harmony puts them out of their shakedown business.

Go to the high schools at lunch time and you will see that the truth is very different. White kids sit with white kids. Latinos sit with Latinos. Emotions run very different if one guy shoots another guy of the same race. If the two guys are of different races, it’s a whole different situation; especially if a black guy shoots a white guy.

I’ll be sure to keep this in mind the next time there is a shooting at one of the schools.

Somebody is hilarious for posting this.. I was pretty much profiled and intimidated out of town by alot of police officers in san luis obispo, on top of that i was sexually assaulted and police did nothing about it. I wonder if i will ever see justice for this. probably not as i am a multi ethnic person.

In LA the race card is tranquillo because most of Los Angeles es hispanic. This is where media / poll, get a big fat F for rational standards for comparison. If neutrality, not raising a disturbance, were the objective then these stupid comparison would be outlawed.

“When asked about immigration, 57 percent of participants said they believe illegal immigrants have a mostly positive effect on the state’s economy. Five years ago, 40 percent of voters held that view of illegal immigrants”

The percentage of morons has increased from 40% to 57%. We are doomed.

Reclaiming conservative pessimism ^^^.

No, just stating obvious realism.