Templeton High football player in critical condition

September 21, 2015
Isaac Lindsey

Isaac Lindsey

A Templeton High School football player is in critical condition following a head injury he suffered during a game Friday night.

Isaac Lindsey, 16, is being treated at the trauma and neurological ICU units at Sierra Vista hospital, according to posts on his mother’s Facebook page. Lindsey suffered head trauma and underwent surgery to relieve pressure building on the brain, Jenny Lindsey stated on Facebook.

Thus far, it is unclear what caused the injury. Jenny Lindsey said the injury resulted from a freak accident.

“I am certain each of us has a greater chance of getting cancer in our lifetime than our kids have of an injury like this playing football. Please don’t let people politicize his injury to the detriment of this sport,” Lindsey wrote.

On Sunday, numerous people gathered at a Templeton park to show support for Lindsey. A group formed the number 32 on a hill. Lindsey’s jersey number is 32.

A GoFundMe page was also started to support Lindsey and his family. Donations have already totalled $62,790, as of Monday morning.

Lindsey suffered the injury during a game against San Luis Obispo High School. The game took place in Templeton.

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“I am certain each of us has a greater chance of getting cancer in our lifetime than our kids have of an injury like this playing football. Please don’t let people politicize his injury to the detriment of this sport.”

Well, citing the truth — that football is a very dangerous undertaking resulting in head trauma, paralysis and death — just apparently isn’t on Mom’s agenda. So let’s put it there: The “sport” should be banned from high schools because those kids have no idea what adults are manipulating them to sign up for. Sword-fighting gladiator style would be healthier. Anybody who denies the brain injuries that affect footballers for life, the likelihood of contracting ALS later in life, of becoming demented at a young adult age, etc., has blinders on. What the heck are all those NFL lawsuits about?

That said, I wish the kid the best. This doesn’t sound like something he’ll get over any time soon, if ever, and that just underscores the dangers of this “game” foisted onto kids by grown ups who should know better. I don’t see how anybody who loves their kid can encourage him to play this game.

“I am certain each of us has a greater chance of getting cancer in our lifetime than our kids have of an injury like this playing football. Please don’t let people politicize his injury to the detriment of this sport,” Lindsey wrote.



First, cancer is not voluntary football is. So that’s a serious analogy fail.

Secondly, all kids get brain damage from hitting their heads in football so everybody except the kicker is getting brain damage. The only question is how much brain damage. All is a lot more than the number of kids getting cancer.

Football is a barbaric sport that will some day go the way of gladiator fighting. There is no happy ending when two large people run at each other as fast as they can and then ram heads. Physics demands that something gives.

Best wishes to this young man, and his family.

Prayers for a swift and full recovery.

I have a question though, why the need for a fundraising effort? Even if the family did NOT have insurance, wouldn’t school insurance pay since this happened during the football game while he was playing for the school?

There are always expenses not covered such as travel for the family if he goes to Stanford or elsewhere; help later if he needs therapy or FT care; and some expenses that simply are not covered by anyone’s insurance. When my husband passed away at age 44 of a heart attack, I was hit with a whopping $80+K hospital bill, despite having insurance. Trust me, insurance doesn’t cover everything. (My agent got them to write it off BTW – God bless him!)

Thanks for the info. Seems that liability insurance the school district has should cover everything, including PT. Don’t get me wrong, give the family all the help and money you can. It just made me think the school district doesn’t have good enough insurance if they can’t cover everything on a horrible situation such as this.

There’s also the loss of income if one or both parents take time off of work to care for their child and they don’t have enough sick leave to cover that.

School insurance should pay for that too.

If you get injured on the job, does your work insurance pay for your spouse to take time off of work to care for you?

If this country were civilized, and we had ‘Medicare for All – single payer’ …instead if the ghoulish private / for profit and no care insurance business; these questions and worries wouldn’t even be thought of or mentioned.

It’s the biggest reason why Europeans of all political persuasions consider Americans to be walking lobotomies.

That’s funny, in my time in Europe no one ever brought up our health care system. Plenty of political discussions, not one mention of that.

Europeans think Americans are a-holes for two reasons: they way we act when we go over there, and the things our military does in other countries. It’s that simple.

If European “free” health care was so great, there would be no market for private insurance, but there is, and it is growing.

People that claim single-payer is all that and a bag of chips have obviously not dug too far into the issue.

I do hope this kid comes out of this OK. From driving around town, looks like he’s got lots of support!