Medical Industry giving big money to Fareed

June 3, 2016
Justin Fareed

Justin Fareed

Two businessmen, in conjunction with their family, friends, employees and associates, have accounted for nearly $200,000 out of the approximately $1 million that District 24 congressional candidate Justin Fareed has raised. Both businessmen live in Los Angeles’ Westside and own at least three dozen nursing facilities. [LA Times]

In the race to replace retiring Rep. Lois Capps, polls indicate four candidates are battling for the top two positions in the June 7 primary: Republicans Fareed and Katcho Achadjian and Democrats Salud Carbajal and Helene Schneider. Of those candidates, Carbajal, a Santa Barbara County supervisor, has raised the most money — about $1.8 million, followed by Fareed, a businessman; Schneider, the mayor of Santa Barbara and Achadjian, a state assemblyman.

Fareed, 28, has described himself as the vice president of his father’s sports medicine business, ProBand Sports Industries. He has courted numerous donors in the healthcare industry.

Lawrence Feigen, as well as at least 30 of his employees, business associates, friends and family members have contributed a total of $108,000 to Fareed. Feigen’s company, SnF Management, owns at least 36 long-term nursing facilities in California and Arizona.

Shlomo Rechnitz, as well as his employees and their family members, have contributed a little more than $74,000 to Fareed’s campaign. Rechnitz owns more than 70 facilities and is said to be California’s largest nursing home operator. In recent years, state and federal authorities have launched criminal investigations into Rechnitz’s companies on charges that included elder abuse and involuntary manslaughter.

Federal law sets the maximum allowable direct donation to candidates at $2,700 for the primary and $2,700 for the general election. Both Feigen and Rechnitz contributed $2,700 to Fareed. Three of Feigen’s family members did, as well.

Additionally, Feigen, his family’s trust and his company contributed $25,000 to New Generation, a political action committee that supported Fareed. Ramat Medical, a company for which Rechnitz is the chief financial officer, also donated $10,000 to the PAC. New Generation has since disbanded.

Feigen and his wife also gave $10,000 to another PAC that was set up to support Fareed.

When asked about the campaign contributions, Feigen said he and his family like people who are honest and are not part of the political establishment. Feigen said he knows Fareed through business connections in the medical sector.

A representative of Rechnitz released a statement saying Rechnitz is a major non-partisan donor who contributed to more than 1,100 institutions last year alone.

The LA Times interviewed several other donors who contributed to Fareed. Some said they did not know anything about Fareed other than that they were told he is a good guy.

West Hollywood resident Viktor Kogan and his wife each contributed $2,700 to Fareed in late October. When asked about the contributions, Kogan said he could not recall donating to Fareed and he had never heard of the candidate.

About 56 percent of donors who have contributed to Fareed this year live outside the 24th District. They accounted for $875,00 of Fareed’s $1.08 million of contributions. One L.A. Westside ZIP code, 90036, alone accounted for $235,000, or nearly 25 percent, of the money Fareed has raised since the beginning of the campaign.

By comparison, Achadjian, who according to several polls has a substantial lead over his opponents, has received only a few small donations from PACs. His total contributions are just over $667,000.


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This baby boy with his pretty lips has never worked!

He’s not a political insider because HE HAS DONE NOTHING.

Not even on a county committee or commission.

Daddy’s gotta buy him a job somewhere!

And Capps, Boxer and Feinstein worked? hardly unless in Feinstein’s case you count her working to make it possible for her husband to take big taxpayer $$$$’s on the “Nospeed” rail project.

There needs to be a solid Republican to oppose Carbajal.

That Republican is Katcho.

Katcho is a from the boot straps immigrant whose words is as good as his bond in the South County!

Just don’t ask him about water, there he only follows the big money people.

“In recent years, state and federal authorities have launched criminal investigations into Rechnitz’s companies on charges that included elder abuse and involuntary manslaughter.”

I’m sure that Justin can make those problems go away…

This is EXACTLY how government corruption gets started. Companies that are shoddy and get investigated put money into buying a politician, who then looks out for their crony interests. Very sad. Let’s hope money can’t buy this election.

I personally prefer candidates who have worked real jobs for somebody other than daddy. Seems like a nice kid who hasn’t yet ventured out into the real world. I would choose him above the slime ball Carbajal but there are much better candidates.

Solution: Vote Katcho! He earned what he made with his gas stations and will bring home the bacon back to the Central Coast!

Trust fund baby….we’ll talk later……..bad vibe for me.

Can we go a breakdown of Adam Hill’s contributors. Lots of special interest there too!

You betcha! Lots of special interest contributors in Adam Hill’s campaign! Vote Dan Carpenter for Supervisor.

Running for congress is expensive. If you have no name recognition and contacts outside of the political establishment it requires you to have PACs. There really is no other way. That’s conventional thinking. Or is there?

Katcho is unknown south of Santa Maria yet has raised his money almost entirely from small donations. He has also not resorted to dirty tricks or a negative campaigns and has a commanding poll lead even in D leaning Santa Barbara. Yes there are people who are not pleased with his water vote, but he has explained his position and explained his vote.

For me, it’s an easy choice. Apparently it is for a lot of people.

I use to be a supporter but I have my personal agenda when voting now: 1) no more do I vote for long term politicians as they become beholding to special interests and no longer represent the locals, 2) I give him no slack for siding with Adam Hill and Bruce Gibson on the dirty politic game played in the Paso Groundwater situation, 3) I think we need new fighters, blood and ideas and all these old cronies doing the same thing over and over is on the wrong track.

Supervisor > State Assembly > has been in office public off since 1998, another lifelong politician

Katcho is a really nice guy but his time has come. Welcome home!

I should have said … I use to be a supporter of Katcho Achadjian

I don’t like this fellows on-air commercials which seem to piggy-back on Trumps bombastic style. He’s a bit too arrogant for me.

Now what do you suppose Fareed has promised for that kind of money.

I like this guy Krogan, who donated $2700 and hasn’t heard of the candidate.

I don’t know about anyone else around here, but $2700 is a lot of money to me and I would certainly want something in return for that kind of cash.