Two children killed in rural SLO County crash

September 6, 2016

ambulance 4A car crash Monday on Highway 166 in rural San Luis Obispo County left two children dead and five other people in the hospital. Authorities have arrested a suspect who allegedly caused the crash.

Shortly before 5 p.m., a 36-year-old Bakersfield man was headed westbound on Highway 166 about 35 miles east of Santa Maria when he lost control of his vehicle and crashed head on into a vehicle headed eastbound. Highway 166 weaves in and out of San Luis Obispo County. The collision occurred near the Santa Barbara County line, but within SLO County.

Emergency personnel responded to the scene and found two people who had been ejected from vehicles. Another six people had to be extricated from cars.

Responders pronounced two children dead at the scene. A helicopter airlifted a mother and her two children to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.

An ambulance drove two other injured people to Marian Regional Medical Center in Santa Maria. The sixth person who suffered non-fatal injuries was not taken to the hospital.

Officers arrested the 36-year-old Bakersfield man for felony drunk driving.

Authorities have yet to disclose the identities of the victims. The collision remains under investigation.

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I have a better argument. How about getting rid of the narco state mentality of liberal California? Make SLO downsize the wine industry. Stop rationalizing and legalizing marijuana usage. Stop alcohol tourism and the sensationalization of alcohol related activities. Create a zero tolerance law for those that bring drugs into our country.

The irony is that in almost every instance I can think of, the drunk driver lives. This is evidence of either one of two scenarios:

There is no God.

God LOVES drunk drivers.

That’s it really.

CCN: This story merits updating.

4) Significantly lower the legal limit for blood alcohol levels.

BC Canada implemented that…and it worked!

Pelican1: I agree 100% that this was a completely preventable and senseless tragedy but drunk driving isn’t a “disease.”

Cancer, diabetes, ALS–those are true diseases.

Drunk drivers are criminals, not ones afflicted w/diseases.

NO, no…alcoholism IS a disease as is ALL the collateral damage, pain, sadness, and tragedy caused by those who choose to drink and drive.

Paso Parent said drunk drivers… Not alcoholism. So yes…. Drunk drivers are criminals.

Drunk driving is a killer disease.Drinking and driving is a gamble that no one wins.

My condolences and prayers for the victims of this senseless tragedy.

The drunk driver should be charged with murder.

Ban alcohol.

882 people killed alone in California due to drunk driving last year. If California can ban ‘assault rifles’ which only represent 3% of all gun deaths in California (5-6 year) we no doubt can do the same with alcohol. Because……Californians really care about preventable deaths.

First DUI, ultra serious. More than now by double.

Second, penitentiary.

Third, blindness induced by a (veterinarian?). Problem solved.

In a county where drug production is a major industry, including driving between wineries, I’m guessing our safety comes in about last place behind the money.

1) ALWAYS buckle up.

2) Toss the drunk driver in prison and throw away the key.

3) Enact tougher penalties for drunk drivers. It should be ONE strike and you’re out.