Ortiz-Legg has 2, not 1, criminal convictions

October 2, 2016
Dawn Ortiz-Legg

Dawn Ortiz-Legg


Assembly District 35 candidate Dawn Ortiz-Legg has been arrested and convicted twice, San Luis Obispo County Superior Court records show. Ortiz-Legg, who has attacked her opponent Jordan Cunningham for his criminal defense work, has opted to conceal her criminal record, or only partially divulge it, when asked about it publicly.

San Luis Obispo police arrested Ortiz-Legg for drunk driving in 2001, court records show. Then, in 2005, SLO County sheriff’s deputies arrested her for a marijuana offense. Ortiz-Legg pleaded guilty to one count of possession of marijuana under an ounce.

The court records contradict a claim that Ortiz-Legg made in a debate last month. They also call into question Ortiz-Legg’s attempts to paint her opponent as someone responsible for local crime, critics say.

During a recent debate on KPRL, Ortiz-Legg said she had never been convicted of a crime. She then backtracked and admitted to having a drunk driving offense in 2001. She made no mention, however, of her 2005 arrest and conviction.

“I don’t think I have been charged or convicted of a crime,” Ortiz-Legg said in response to a question from a KPRL caller. “Um, I did have a drunk driving offense back in 2001 that I am really happy that I had that experience because, you know, it was a type of thing where you learn, like wow, a couple of glasses of wine, a good thing I know now. Don’t let that happen again, so that’s it.”

Ortiz-Legg did not respond to a question about her marijuana arrest, nor did she respond when asked why she opted not to mention the drug offense during the debate.

Ortiz-Legg’s campaign and the California Democratic Party have launched fabricated attacks on Cunningham, a Republican. Cunningham previously worked as a SLO County prosecutor and now runs his own law practice.

The California Democratic Party sent out a slate mailer that describes Cunningham as a slick criminal defense lawyer who has defended hundreds of criminals.

To press its point, the mailer claimed that in 2012, Cunningham defended a man who attacked his girlfriend and threatened to kill her with a butcher knife. The mailer included a photo that appears to be a scan of a court document showing Cunningham was the attorney on the case.

Jordan Cunningham

Jordan Cunningham

“Jordan Cunningham got him a plea deal so he could get back on the street,” the mailer read.

However, the alleged court document was a fabrication.

Cunningham did not defend the man referenced in the mailer, San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow said.

Rather than acknowledging its fabrication effort, the state Democratic Party apologized for getting the year wrong. Cunningham recently defended the man from the 2012 case on a drug charge.

“We apologize if we did not include the correct dates for when Jordan Cunningham, as a criminal defense attorney, represented a man who attacked his girlfriend and threatened to kill her with a knife. He was certainly representing this brutal criminal by August 2015,” Chris Masami Myers, the executive director of the state Democratic Party said in a statement.

Myers went on to demand that Cunningham apologize to the public for defending the man.

Persons charged with crimes are entitled to counsel, according to the U.S. Constitution. That includes the man cited in the campaign mailer.

“We are not making claims about the Constitution, but the voters have a right to know about a candidate’s work history,” Myers said in response to a question about whether the state Democratic Party supports criminal defendants’ rights to legal representation.

Ortiz-Legg’s attacks on defense attorneys are more than a little hypocritical, Cunningham said.

“My opponent is lying again, probably to distract the voters from her own criminal history. It’s shameful. The Central Coast deserves better,” Cunningham said.


California Democratic Party mailer by CalCoastNews on Scribd

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Didn’t Dawn Legg formerly date Adam Hill sometime after her third marriage and before her fourth? They broke up shortly after he used his position to get Dawn, the then salesperson, a PR job at the solar plant he helped push through. Maybe they can get back together now that Hill’s wife and her three daughters moved out. The Uhaul was there two weeks ago picking up Dee Torres’ furniture.

You can’t blame Dee; Adam Hill has been asking 20 somethings out at bars for months.

Adam Hill removes he ring and goes hunting. It has to be so degrading. But everyone knows Adam Hill has no respect for women. I wonder if Adam cleaned the bank account out like he did during his last divorce.

How did this bit of news escape us,or have I been missing something.

Is this fact or just changing furniture.

It is not fair to say that Adam Hill has no respect for women — there are a lot of men he has no respect for either. In fact I would guess that he has no respect for anyone he can’t find a way to use.

That said, I hope that your claims about his recent situation are verifiable. I don’t want to see Hill’s opponents stooping to his level of lies and deceit. That is the kind of thing that makes me want to vote for “none of the above.”

Salud and Dawn. They’re either really stupid or they’re republicans in disguise. How to lose an election: be an elitist or a liar. Great job democratic party.

I’ve heard that smokin’ weed causes memory loss and … something else…


How many more shoes are going to drop Dawn?

One arrest or two arrests…at this point what difference does it make?

How many of us can relate to Ms Ortiz-Legg and have a difficult time recalling the actual number of times we’ve been arrested?

C’mon give the lady a break

Maybe she didn’t inhale.

In all fairness, I think Mr. Cunningham erred when he listed his occupation as “businessman.” I believe he should have been more transparent and just listed “Attorney.” There’s no shame in his occupation. I continue to believe the law is a noble and honorable profession. Conversely Ms. Ortiz-Legg’s unwillingness to admit to her criminal past, especially in an age of simple fact checking is just sad. I wish her all the best and certainly intend no ill will, but her responses have become silly. Whoever is advising her has been negligent in their obligations, but ultimately, Ms. Ortiz-Legg has proven to be a candidate ill-equipped for the office she seeks.

Gary Joralemon

What? She has serious issues with the truth; she’ll make a great politician!

I actually don’t have a problem with him listing his occupation as “businessman”, say someone else owned and ran a convenience store, gas station, grocery store or such, we see their occupation listed as “businessman”, not the more detailed actual business. No reason to single out attorneys when other businesses are not. It’s his choice and aren’t we all about personal choices in this country?

With her criminal record, Debra Ortiz-Legg should be nice to Jordan Cunningham. She may need his professional services.

Soooo, she got caught with pot? That’s it?

Next irrelevant point please.

It not about the pot it is about being dishonest. She was arrested in the presence of her daughter, how do you forget that? She either has smoked too much or she is a liar…

No, SHE LIED ABOUT IT. Not irrelevant.

Even more significant Kevin. She didn’t think that in this day of the internet and the simple fact that everyone knows everything about everyone in this small community, she would get caught in her deception. The naivety is breathtaking.

Just this simple fact alone indicates that she does not have the wherewithal to handle the rough-and-tumble world of Sacramento politics. It also is an indication of how she will be easily manipulated by those politicians who can.

Miles, the relevant point here is THE TRUTH and Ms Ortiz-Legg’s failure to grasp it.

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