What is happening to California?

June 3, 2017
T. Keith Gurnee

T. Keith Gurnee


First we have the recent push by state prosecutors to charge 86-year-old Edith Knight for making a phone call at a polling place. Then John Burton, chair of the California Democratic Party, flips a double bird at the president of the United States, daring Donald Trump to cut California off from federal funding that is so sorely need by this crazy state. Indeed, should the Golden State be renamed the state of insanity?

State Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a champion of the “sanctuary cities”and “sanctuary state” movements, has been determined to put an elderly widow behind bars for making that phone call.

Thankfully, the court just rejected part of Becerra’s case out of hand for the political stunt that it was. Yet he is still more than happy to coddle an oft-convicted felon and illegal immigrant who was deported five times before murdering Kate Steinle in San Francisco last year.

Then just this morning, it was discovered that the boyfriend just arrested for the murder of his Nipomo girlfriend had been deported last August. Will Becerra now come to his rescue? Shouldn’t AG Becerra focus more on prosecuting killers rather than phone callers?

Becerra and Burton are only the latest purveyors of such nonsense. Given such behavior by our state’s political leaders, perhaps California deserves to be cut off from federal funding. To paraphrase a statement made by Joseph Welch during the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s: “Misters Becerra and Burton, have you no sense of decency, sirs?”

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We travel a bit and every time we are besides ourselves at why some things are so here in Ca. Gas is a dollar more per gallon than pretty much everywhere. Enter Ca and if your eyes were shut you’d know it for the terrible roads. Rest stops are disgusting in comparison to other local states. Speed for trucks that cause deadly passing, thing hwy 46 & 41. Real Estate off the charts in affordability. Taxes are higher than 99% of any other state, regulations,laws and more laws that nobody follows. Instead of enforcing them they come up with yet another idiotic regulation. Ticket fines based off income because, well hey, maybe maybe the million outstanding tickets will get a few dollars returned on the original fines. I thought a unpaid violation went to warrant for arrest? A person could go on and on but why? This state was once a place of farms, orchards, manufacturing hard working, freedom loving red blooded Americans. Still plenty of hard working Americans here but were leaving Ca like the plague has hit, recon it has but this time its not a germ its a mental disease called liberalism.

CA is a state that has beauty, weather and weather and weather and weather so our government rapes us all with one tax after another.

My big wish is for all the communist progressives to actually leave their homes and go right now into a high rise stack and pack, ride their bikes, walk and get off our roads as they are killing our economy with their votes for progressives.

If you hate this country get out and get out right now.

Quit living in what economic opportunity, low cost energy and creative small businesses have provided on the sweat of these that hold jobs and pay their own way. Instead of always trying to redistribute the weath of hard workers give yours away and live as you demand of me by one sick law after another like SB 1!

You seem to be determined to change what is wrong with this state. I agree with you on some points and disagree on others but I respect you for speaking out for what you believe. However, the state is going the way it is because of the votes of a majority of the citizens. If it weren’t for that pesky little thing called The First Amendment, they would be just as entitled to tell you to get out of California as you think you are to tell them to get out of the US.

I hated it back in the 60’s and 70’s when supporters of the Vietnam War were telling opponents to “Love it or Leave it.” I believed then (and still do) that every person has not just a right, but an obligation, to try to correct the government when they see it doing something wrong. Totalitarianism (left-wing or right-wing) is not the government type our founding fathers had in mind.

It’s clear you don’t want a a REAL dialogue.

“and get off our roads as they are killing our economy ” You do not have any more rights than any other citizen, stay off of the road is you don’t like them.

“killing our economy” Oh the ignorance and hubris

“That’s a claim worth exploring. Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation’s gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California’s economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated. “Bloomberg

“California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. ”

If you hate California then You get out right now, California will never be less progressive, Dont know about the commies, don’t know any.

The state of California has become nothing more than a social experiment. Hopefully the citizens will open their eyes enough to see what the results are demonstrating and somehow alter the course. As it looks now the only outcome will be the dissolution of the USA.

“As it looks now the only outcome will be the dissolution of the USA.” Haaaaaa Lol

“a social experiment” “California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation’s gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California’s economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated. “Bloomburg

Don’t worry the other side of the flat earth is ready for colonisation ( it’s chemtrail free too!).

This is a sad state we live in, the govt continues to steal tax dollars for trains to nowhere, keeping deported illegal aliens here and defending them, stuffing carb down our throats killing jobs, going after dairys for cow farts, and just plain lying and cheating the taxpayer, this is a nimby state no one can do anything with their property, but by golly pay that cal fire tax or else.

Seems the “GOLDEN STATE” has become nothing more than fools gold.

Here is one way the California state legislators are destroying California:

Can California’s Economy Withstand $1.3 Trillion of Debt?


Thanks for the comments Keith. Right on! What is happening to California is that the socialist progressive Democrats and their union bosses have taken over the State of California.

They have taken control of the education systems, as well as all government entities statewide. They are redistributing the wealth, bankrupting the state, opening the border, and welcoming all and everyone including criminals.

The socialist progressives Democrats are implementing a plan called Agenda 2030. The vast majority of Californians have no clue about this plan. Just go to http://www.un.org and research Agenda 2030. It’s there! Some 289,715 results found for Agenda 2030

We are moving into the New World Order. And California is leading the charge!

I notice the whiners seem to ignore the socialist programs they use daily. Blueberry said the progressives were communists. When you can’t have a lucid point and you lie about people you lose all credibility. Progressives aren’t communists.

A “progressive” is just a communist without a gun

Gun’s or no guns, progressives aren’t communists and ignorant free speech is just that.

Texas has plenty of space, Kansas and Iowa have the tax laws you want, why are you still here?

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…it’s a duck.

Chemtrails, agenda 21, hollow earth, area 51, red scare, socialist progressive Democrats have taken over, They have taken control, They are redistributing, welcoming criminals, socialist progressives Democrats….

Ignorant red scare word salad, quacking over and over, walking like a 1950’s duck in a small town eco chamber.

You say “Progressives aren’t communists.” But can you at least be honest and agree that they have the same goals?

Lol That must be one of the gotcha questions that Sarah was so worried about.

Can we at least be educated and agree that Progressives aren’t communists and don’t have the same goal. However Conservatives and Fascists have the same Alt-right goals.

See how that works, it’s easy to try to divide a country. Why do you hate America so much that you need to fling crap on fellow citizens?

How are progressives different from communists?

How are conservatives similar to fascists?

Why do you leftists hate America so much that you want to turn it into Venezuela? Are you hoping to be one of the ruling elite criminals?

Obviously Moonbeam and friends are beginning to show the results of their free spirit and possibly their chemical abuses as they are losing their minds and are going crazy which results in making stupid decisions. No wonder they want California to be a sanctuary state. That way they will not be held accountable when they draw their fraudulent retirements and benefits and move out of California when they become retired or retarded, whichever.


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