Missing boy found dead in Santa Barbara County

July 1, 2017

Aramazd Andressian Jr

The body of a missing 5-year-old boy was found near Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara County on Friday — just days after the boy’s father was charged with murdering him.

After more than two months of searching, officers found the body of Aramazd Andressian Jr. The boy was last seen leaving Disneyland on April 20 with his dad Aramazd Andressian Sr., 35.

Two days later, police found Andressian unconscious in his BMW, which was doused in gasoline and parked in a South Pasadena park. At the time, Andressian Sr. claimed to have no memory of what had happened to his son.

Less than a week later, police arrested Andressian Sr. on suspicion of child endangerment and child abduction. But several days later he was released because of insufficient evidence.

Andressian, Sr. and his wife, Ana Estevez, are in the process of a contentious divorce. The pair shared custody of their son.

Last week, investigators found Andressian Sr. in Las Vegas with dyed hair and a shaved beard. He was arrested on charges that he murdered his son.

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Inmates hate child molesters and child murderers because many of them have children outside whom they can’t protect. Maybe he will meet his match in prison. He destroyed far more than his son: his ex-wife, the grandparents, cousins, child’s friends, classmates, and neighbors will be haunted by this for the rest of their lives. I am so sorry for all of them.

I cannot even fathom who could look into the eyes of an innocent child and take their life. I am praying the mother has supportive family and friends and that she will have support as the legal system delivers the appropriate punishment to this cold blooded murderer. Even then, the grief must be unbearable.

We must pray for the soul of this child, and demand justice for the boy’s father, who allegedly murdered his own flesh because of a pending divorce.

Santa Barbara County District Attorney Joyce Dudley ought to step up and seek the death penalty against Mr. Aramazd Andressian Sr. We pay our government officers a lot of money, and, if convicted, an example ought to be made out of this man. Who kills their own child?

We don’t have to live in a society that soft-peddles murder, and child murderers deserve to be dealt with harshly, lest we see more of this selfish, sociopathic behavior going forward.


As a mother, NOTHING terrifies me more than the thought of something happening to my kids. Nothing invokes anger and rage in me than the thought of someone hurting my kids.

This POS killed his kid to cause pain and anguish to his ex wife. While I can understand he might have nothing but hatred for his ex wife, the fact he was willing to murder an innocent child tells me that he is the kind of person society doesn’t need. I don’t want to pay for him to have cable tv, food, air. I think we should just give the mother a sledgehammer and let her show him some justice.

It’s unimaginable that a parent could do this to a child.

Absolutely heartbreaking…a mother’s worst nightmare.

this P.O.S. does not even deserve a trial just hand him off to me i will make him regreg what he did, so sad a father would do this to his son , if and when he ever get to the big house he will last about two weeks , good ridance

Prayers for the mother. This has to be hard.