Al Gore movie at the Palm, a must see

August 16, 2017

James Duenow


The 2017 movie, “An Inconvenient Sequel,” at the Palm Theater, is a must see! It is a documentary, narrated by Al Gore, about global warming; its causes, effects and possible solutions.

Gore first asserts that warming is real and caused by human activity. He points out that about 98 percent of climate scientists supported this view.

Those few scientists who deny warming are most often financed by the fossil fuel industry.

The good news is that countries around the world are concerned and are turning to clean energy, solar or wind and the like, as soon as politically and economically possible.

Our president, on the other hand, calls the science a global warming a hoax. It is, of course, clear that he is a lackey of the oil industry.

Al Gore made it clear that continued warming would be disastrous for the planet.

In fact, its effects are all around us. We have more and more planetary droughts, an astonishing number of monster storms and hurricanes doing horrendous damage. As the Arctic melts, the seas rise and warm, threatening cities like Miami Beach and scores of others. As the seas and air continue to warm the tipping point into disaster nears.

On the good side, batteries and solar panels are getting cheaper and more efficient. By far the best news was the cover story of the recent issue of the Economist. That lead story predicted the demise of the internal combustion engine. In a decade or two most all cars will be essentially electric.

The fossil fuel industry is now threatened! If we have nothing but electric cars they are about out of business. As a result they are now, with the help of their friends in the government, doing all they can to block or slow the move to clean energy and electric cars.

So the road to clean power and electric cars will be bumpy but it will happen.

It must be tough for an executive in an oil company. These people know the science. They know their business causes warming and will hurt the planet. They will have grandchildren who will have to suffer through what they are causing for current profits. I wonder how they sleep at night.

There are things that we can do to help! If you can afford it, buy an electric car and put solar panels on your house. If you can’t afford that at least use a car as little as possible. Walk or ride a bike or take public transportation. Use as much clean electricity as you can.

Don’t despair, as there are better days ahead if we do our part. Keep the faith, pay attention, see the film and make a personal commitment to our planet. It’s the only one we have.

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When people pull up to the pump or go through the grocery line they are not thinking about the temperature of the planet. They are not wondering if today’s temperatures are normal or were they normal in 1590. They have a hard time believing that a 2 degree temp rise globally has any impact on their lives.

They have seen prediction after prediction of doom and terrible storms with islands vanishing under ferociously rising seas. They have lived well past multiple predictions of weather disasters only to see them not materialize.

They have heard the cries for higher fees and more regulations for something they can’t see and something they don’t fear.

However the push never stops, the government and the government supported scientific world are ringing the alarm bell constantly and consistently. “We are in for a rough ride weather wise. We have only a short time to re rearrange human existence in order to save the planet”.

We have to lessen our consumption, we have to reduce our global foot print. We must pay higher gas prices and higher fees. This is what we must do say the rich and powerful movers and shakers.

Al Gore’s movie? No thank you, I have to go to work.

I suggest we all donate the price of the tickets to a local charity!

When Gore stops using his private planes, numerous cars and 20,000 sq. ft. house, I will pay attention to him. He has made money from all of this. It is a serious and real problem that he has used for his own enrichment. I never fail to be amazed at the “do as I say, not as I do” elite, privileged among all we lowly beings.

A “serious problem”?? Are you kidding?

It’s NO problem at all; 023 is negligible beyond ridiculous.

Don’t fall for this scam, regardless of what the snake oil salesmen say.

Petroleum is very useful. Yet, we are running out of it because we use it for everything.

The US Military believes in and plans for the effects of climate change.

If you can find a better way to do something, why wouldn’t you? That’s all humans have ever done.

Even if fossil fuels were limitless and had no effect on the climate, they’re dirty and pollute the environment.

Isn’t this all enough to look towards the future?

Oh geez, and science deniers comment and comment. Hey, solar energy is super effecient!?

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. The great Oz has spoken”.

“The fossil fuel industry is now threatened! If we have nothing but electric cars they are about out of business.”

What an odd conclusion.

Isn’t natural gas a fossil fuel? Won’t it still take electricity to charge the electric cars? Won’t a large portion of California’s electricity still have to come from natural gas?

Ok Boys if you gott em smoke em !

“Keep the faith”

Yup, that is essentially it. Ignore the skeptics a.k.a. ‘deniers’ with any type of contrary evidence.

BTW, the claim that 97% of climate scientists agree on global warming was debunked years ago.

Right you are. It’s 98%.

Settled science? Keep praying to the State…

Also way less peace since Obama won his Noble Peace prize…

By far, the two best comments on this piece thus far.