Arroyo Grande man joins supervisor race

August 21, 2017

Jimmy Paulding

A 31-year-old Arroyo Grande man filed papers last week announcing his intention to challenge San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Lynn Compton for the District 4 seat on the board of supervisors. [Cal Coast Times]

Jimmy Paulding, a recent law school graduate, plans to formally announce his candidacy on Sept. 4 during the County Democratic Party Labor Day picnic in Arroyo Grande, according to a Facebook post. Compton, who won the seat in 2014, is a conservative Republican.

“Hi friends!,” Paulding posted on Facebook. “BIG NEWS: I’m formally announcing my candidacy for the office of SLO County Supervisor (District 4) at the SLO County Democratic Party Labor Day Picnic at Strother Park in Arroyo Grande on September 4th from 11am to 2pm. There will be great speakers and good food and beer. See you there.”

Read entire story at Cal Coast Times.

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Is anyone else wondering just who plucked this young man from obscurity and tapped him on the shoulder for this?

I’m curious as to his level of involvement prior to his announcement…does he attend meetings, follow the issues?

Just who’s friend is he?

Wow. All of these comments seem really negative and bitter. I hope you are all taking good care of your mental health.

For CCN’s sake, lets maybe try to keep comments more positive. We don’t want advertisers to think the readership is all old, angry dudes!

I believe that the negative comments come from a guy with no qualifications thinking that being a member of the Board of Supervisors is so simplistic that even someone with nothing to offer can warm a seat. Based upon what he has offered to date he would have to compete for an entry level position.

Mr. Psulding says he is a law school graduate. Which one and has he passed the Bar? He says he attended Cal Poly, what does that mean! Did he graduate? While I have my degree from Poly I can also state that I attended UCLA and USC;however, that attendance was at a football game. Is Mr. Paul ding trying to pull the wool over our eyes. We need good, qualified candidates who are strongly grounded in our community to serve in leadership roles. I hope Mr. Paulding rethinks his position and looks for ways to build work and community service experience so that he may become a viable member of our society. Those who think they can start at the top find that they are way over their heads and the damage caused by them along the way is difficult or impossible to undo.

This guy, Jimmy Paulding, is probably good friends with people like Caren Rey, Adam Hill, and Bruce Gibson, so I recommend a “No” vote.

We cannot go forward by going backwards, it doesn’t work that way.


Totally agree! He is being groomed for their agenda…and to continue to cheat the people for their own personal gain.

Good luck to Lynn. We don’t need another university lawyer social justice warrior. There are way too many. Go practice something practical… like plumbing… or auto repair.

Slosum, you were very generous when describing Mr. Pauldings credentials: he outlines himself as a recent law school graduate; it probably was some second line diploma mill, I doubt that it was an university. Also his weak resume indicates that he attended Cal Poly, what does attended mean? There is no indication that he graduated from Poly. This guy is so under qualified.

No thanks I think Compton is doing well.

Great another lawyer in Politics

No work record, no accomplishments, no community involvement. He sounds like someone who feels “entitled”. This guy has absolutely no record nor reason to run for an important job like county supervisor. He should get an entry level job, gain some experience and become at least a little involved in one or several of the very fine service organizations that do good for the community. After years of proving himself, maybe he could consider a run at public office. Also, I sincerely hope Bruce does the right thing and decide that it is time to retire. If he retires before the election he can leave with his head held high, if he waits to be defeated at the polls, he will leave office as a looser.

My understanding is the guy who is being groomed for Brucies job is not much better.

Who is rumored to run if Bruce doesn’t run?

I have heard Jeff Eckles name mentioned a few times, but I asked him myself and he said he is not running.

A lawyer with a thin work resume running for office. He could be president!

Did he run for the Senate?

or in Congress, like 95% of congressmen now.

Just what the County needs….another Liberal voice to play ball with Adam Hill and Bruce Gibson. I doubt the Voters are that crazy….but then again…they did vote in Legalized Pot and just might need it to survive in this County if Adam and Bruce are in the Majority!