Lynn Compton’s critics are way off-base

April 15, 2018

Supervisor Lynn Compton


It’s fascinating reading the drum-beat of nasty letters launched by Supervisor Lynn Compton’s critics in their efforts to demonize her for the many good things she’s done. Consider the park funding issue.

Last year, after discovering that supervisors Adam Hill and Bruce Gibson had studiously diverted nearly $10 million worth of South County development impact fees to their own districts, Compton effectively demanded an allocation of $1.5 million for South County parks, despite the objections of those who had siphoned off funds generated by her district for nearly a decade. For what should be considered an act of heroism on her part, her naysayers can only whine that park improvements have yet to be built.

They fail to understand that parks aren’t built with magic wands. Parks take planning, design, community engagement, and consensus building to develop the recreational facilities the community wants and needs. That is precisely what has been happening since Compton secured that funding.

The skate park in Nipomo, refurbishment of the Dana Adobe, and the Jack Ready Imagination Park are already well on their way to being realized, thanks to actions taken by Supervisor Compton.

Keep up the good work Lynn!

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Thanks Elsa for telling one thing that has been missing in action this political season: the truth. Distortions, prevarications, and twisted rumors have been the steady diet of what we have had from Lynn’s opponent and his puppeteers. Thanks for giving us a reality check..

I agree with Elsa Dawson!

Our SLO County Supervisor, Lynn Compton is doing a fine job, and her critics are simply trying to make hay in a desperate attempt to grab political power by controlling the SLO Board of Supervisors.

Make no mistake about it, Jimmy Paulding is nothing more than a pawn of the SLO Progressives, and he is an Adam Hill clone through and through. The young man has been manipulated, and they will pull his puppet strings like a master puppeteer if he ever gets elected. If you like people like Adam Hill, Heidi Harmon, Caren Ray, Bruce Gibson and Nick Andre making decisions for you and your family, then cast your vote for Jimmy Paulding, but if you prefer personal responsibility, self-reliance and low taxes, then cast your vote for the proven Supervisor, Lynn Compton.

Reject Adam Hill, Reject Jimmy Paulding.


I contacted Lynn last year saying the West Teft pavement from Von’s to the Nipomo library was embarrassing to Trilogy home sales that were generating a majority of Nipomo property tax dollars for the County. It didn’t take long for the asphalt to arrive.