SLO County District 4 supervisor race still to close to call

June 9, 2018

Supervisor Lynn Compton

On Friday evening, the San Luis Obispo County Clerk recorder’s Office most recent figures showed that Supervisor Lynn Compton’s lead over Jimmy Paulding was down to 50.1 percent. That’s a margin of only 31 votes. [Cal Coast Times]

If the trend continues, with 2,448 ballots left to count, both candidates have an almost equal chance of winning the election.

The board majority hangs in the balance as does future control of North County water basin management. Currently, Republican supervisors Compton, John Peschong and Debbie Arnold have stood with the bulk of North County voters in denying multiple attempts by a group of large land owners to garner control of North County basin management.

For years, several large vineyard owners and politicians, including Stewart and Linda Resnick, the Harvard Investment Fund and county supervisors Adam Hill and Bruce Gibson, have supported plans for a somewhat privatized groundwater basin district in the North County.

Jimmy Paulding

In his campaign for the District 4 supervisor seat, Paulding has parroted Hill and Gibson’s inaccurate claims that under county control, South County residents will be paying for North County basin management. If elected, Paulding said he will be the third vote Hill and Gibson need to place control of North County basin management into those controlling several North County water districts.

The county plans to release the next report on Monday. However, with 424 provisional ballots and more than 100 ballots with voter errors, it is likely to take longer to determine a winner.

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For the good of all taxpayers in SLO County, I sure hope Supervisor Lynn Compton prevails in this close race. Apparently, Jimmy Paulding is an extreme-left progressive politician, and they are into high taxes, more government and less personal freedom.

Jimmy Paulding will not support economic prosperity on the South Coast, and we will be better off with Lynn Compton.


Why doesn’t the B of S get a hold on County management SALARIES? These salaries and benes are ridiculous.

I hope there’s no “Hanging Chads”!

Yep, a inexperienced man child lawyer is just what SLO needs. More,more,more and you will pay dearly for it all. Throw in Gavin Newsome and you be eating beans and tortillias for dinner after you’ve been robbed of your hard earned wages.

In terms of political drama, this is as good as it gets. Huge stakes, whomever wins faces a real challenge in four years and the promise of two personalities representing diametrically polar views of governance.