Paso Robles sales tax hike on the November ballot

July 20, 2018

Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin

Despite public outcry against the potential tax hike, the Paso Robles City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to place a half percent sales tax measure on the November ballot. [Cal Coast Times]

If passed by voters, the tax hike would give Paso Robles the highest sales tax rate in San Luis Obispo County. The measure needs a simple majority vote in order to pass.

Currently, Paso Robles has a sales tax rate of 7.75 percent, .5 percent higher than the state of California rate of 7.25 percent. Like each city in SLO County, Paso Robles has an existing half percent sales tax as a result of a prior ballot measure.

In 2012, Paso Robles voters approved a sales tax increase on an approximately 59 percent to 41 percent vote. The new initiative would raise the North County city’s sales tax rate to 8.25 percent.

Initially, city officials were pushing a 1 percent tax increase. But the council decided Wednesday to go with a measure that instead proposes a half percent increase.

Public comment was overwhelmingly against any tax hike measure.

City officials say the November initiative would generate about $4 million to $5 million annually for Paso Robles’s general fund. Staffers say certain city services are underfunded in the current budget.

In order to sell the measure, Paso Robles officials have been saying the revenue would go toward city streets and emergency services. A survey conducted by a polling company hired by the city found voters prioritize spending on street repairs and improving law enforcement and emergency services.

Recently, the San Luis Obispo City Council likewise floated the idea of a sales tax increase. The San Luis Obispo council tabled the idea because of a lack of support, but it is still considering placing the measure on the 2020 ballot.

Paso Robles is the only city in the county placing a sales tax initiative on this November’s ballot. However, Paso Robles is one of many cities in California pursuing a sales tax increase.

Numerous sales tax initiatives have arisen following a CalPERS rate adjustment and surging pension costs that have damaged many cities’ budgets. Critics are alleging cities in California are pushing tax hikes to pay for pension costs while packaging the measures as initiatives to fund police, fire protection and other vital services.

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City Manager stated multiple times that property taxes have been significantly lowered due to the recession. They had been, but not one to lose out on any money they think they are due the County raised them to current valuations; and recouped all the back taxes that they had lost due to the recession. SO, poor fact checking Tom, or just a lie?

City Manager stated that all the Cities in the County have the same bed tax, except Morro Bay. Once again wrong, poor fact checking Tom, or just a lie?

Don’t buy the lies, hold all government accountible for spending our money.

City Manager’s whole atttitude is what he thinks is the easiest way. I went to three of the meetings and he kept a focus on “We can’t do that”, “It’s not Possible” “It will take longer and be harder”, as his justification for going after tax payer funds; instead of doing his real job: managing City tax payer dollars.


“Critics are alleging cities in California are pushing tax hikes to pay for pension costs while packaging the measures as initiatives to fund police, fire protection and other vital services.” <—— LETS ADDRESS THIS, THEN THE ROADS/SERVICES

What happened to the wise, conservative, fiscally responsible, far-thinking city council of Paso Robles? Oh, that’s right, a tax and spend democrat mayor and a weak surrounding cast of council members.

You can always tell when you are entering the city from the unincorporated areas. The roads become gravel paths. This didn’t happen overnight. It’s years of neglect, with the money from the booming local economy paying for unfunded liabilities.

it wasn’t an unanimous vote……….

Whatever happened to 66 1/3 % for a TAX HIKE!

That whole Council should be recalled.

More Taxs More Taxs. Noooo.

Whatever happened to the Tea Party?

$4million to $5million for the General Fund. Well close to 75% of the General Fund goes towards salaries, benefits, retirements and unfunded liabilities. So it’s very easy to see where the money is going to go. They say it will be for roads, sure if there is anything left after treating themselves. Why are they not going for a super majority vote where 66% approval is required and the funds would be restricted for road repairs only. Pretty easy to understand why they don’t want to do that, it certainly would ruin the party. People of Paso Robles would be crazy to pass this. But at the same time you will see SLOCOG and the tourist industry pour alot of money into this. They want to have good roads, not for the residents but for their tourists to enjoy.

More people, more city, more staff, more expenses thence Staff recommendations which are eventually approved in lieu of a required greater pay back to the general fund.. California Governmental Incorporations 101.

Just say no to tax increase if it’s going into the general fund.

General fund=generally not spent in the manner for which it was intended.