Police recommend charge against man accused of assaulting canvasser

October 18, 2018

A Paso Robles man who has been seen by thousands of YouTube viewers chastising a political canvasser for the Justin Fareed congressional campaign could soon face a misdemeanor assault charge. [Cal Coast Times]

Late last month, Cal Poly student Isaac Schick, 21, knocked on the home of Bart Charles on Bel Air Place in Paso Robles. After Schick informed Charles he was conducting a poll for Fareed’s campaign, the Paso Robles man called Fareed a racist and fascist and began screaming and cursing, the Cal Poly student said. Schick began walking away and Charles followed.

“He yelled you’re “F-ing” creep and hit me in the back,” Schick said. “I began to run and I started recording.”

Charles continue chasing Schick, stopping only after he noticed he was being recorded.

When Schick asked Charles why he was attacking him, the Paso Robles man said, “because you’re lying.”

Schick reported the alleged assault to the Paso Robles Police Department. After conducting an investigation, Paso Robles police recommended that the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office file a misdemeanor charge of assault against Charles.

The DA’s office will review a police report and determine whether or not to prosecute the case.

Paso Robles man chasing canvasser

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A Progressive is going to be held accountable for his actions? In California? Weird. Times are a changin’


Obviously, Charles Bart is a lunatic lefty, and Salud Carbajal ought to be ashamed that his supporters are willing to act like idiots to promote his political career.

DO NOT support Salud Carbajal.

Vote Justin Fareed on Election day, Tuesday, November 6.

Again–CCN, the alleged attacker’s name is not Bart Charles, it is Charles Bart.

Accuracy matters.

I don’t understand the vitriol on the left, I just say “No” and close the door. Works every time.

Vitriol on the left? I thought they were Snowflakes. communists, socialists, feckless, Trump was going to pay expenses if they were hit. They aren’t doing “Draw Mohamed” rally’s or anti Jew rallies, or Lock her up rallies. I think with the abject corruption of republicans, the Dems have began to snap. And, snap back. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/10/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html

Yeah, never saw a Communist ever use violence to silence the opposition. Communists and Socialists, throughout history just a bunch of passivists who mind they’re own business. Not.