Gov. Newsom lifts ban on beauty and barber shops

May 26, 2020

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday that barber and beauty shops can reopen with restrictions in the counties that have asked to move further in reopening, which includes San Luis Obispo County.

The shops that decide to reopen, will need to practice social distancing, provide personal protective equipment, and require workers to wear masks. Of California’s 58 counties, 47 are in line to begin allowing haircuts.

“We’re making progress. We’re moving forward,” Newsom said.

Newsom also announced plans to release guidelines regarding reopening summer camps, child care facilities and schools on Wednesday.

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Good, all you hippies go get a haircut!

I’m so happy I feel like a little kid who just got permission to get a haircut!

Newsom is such a caring, amazing person! He’s allowing people who have business licenses issued by CA and paid for by the business owner to conduct business!

Can you think of a more compassionate person? Pretty soon, he’ll give permission for us to enjoy a concert outdoors…..

When are public schools going to start teaching the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Safety?

Thanks Governor Goofy, but many of these business owners were way ahead you weeks ago. Why? Families to feed, bills to pay, but most importantly, the freedom to do so.

Thank goodness…my own grandchildren walked right past me in the store…between the mask and my 70’s rock band hair they didn’t recognize me…..okay plus the 30 pandemic pounds I’ve added….

Thank you daddy Newsom. We can get haircuts now.