Cal Poly to start with 10% of students unvaccinated

September 8, 2021



Cal Poly San Luis Obispo announced Tuesday that approximately 90% of their students are fully vaccinated for COVID-19, while the remaining 10% will be required to test twice a week.

University rules require students living on campus to have been fully vaccinated by Sept. 14. All other students planning on accessing the Cal Poly campus are required to have been fully vaccinated by Sept. 20, though students can apply for an exemption.

Students can be granted exemptions for medical or religious reasons. Those who are granted an exemption must have a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours before arriving on campus. Then, they must test again when arriving on campus.

With a projected enrollment of about 22,000 students for the upcoming school year, that leaves about 2,200 not fully vaccinated students.

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“A distinct minority of Americans, supported by a distinct minority of elected officials, are keeping us from turning the corner [on the pandemic]. These pandemic politics are making people sick, causing unvaccinated people to DIE.” – Biden

Yeppers, that’s Trump’s GOP, the party that’s killing their own voters. What a plan.

Even if this was true, it still leaves 2000+ students wandering around unvaccinated. Jeffrey needs students back in the dorms at any cost to avoid a total collapse of his financial house of cards.

So you are worried about “2,000+ students wandering around unvaccinated”, but you are apparently completely unconcerned by the 109,755 county residents who are also “wandering around unvaccinated”? At least those unvaccinated students are getting tested twice a week!

No, I’m not worried about them; I do a great job of avoiding them. Additionally, I don’t have to work with large groups of them several times a week in a 70 year old, small, poorly ventilated, laboratory environment.

Unfortunately, plenty of jobs require working around unvaccinated customers and coworkers. At least yours need to test twice a week. It sounds like you should mask up and get fully vaccinated if you haven’t already. Also, if this laboratory is actually poorly ventilated, that needs to be reported to Cal/OSHA

Still haven’t heard a single argument as to why not test the vaccinated. If these variants are as horrible as being claimed it is just as important to test the vaccinated.

In fact; a great disservice is being done by not testing those who claim to be vaccinated.

The unvaccinated are about five times more likely to be infected than those that are vaccinated, and the contagion is much more serious so I would think likely more transmissible.

False, DookieMan. No medical professionals are saying vaccinated people should not be tested. You present with symptoms of Covid and any clinician will test you regardless of your vaccine status. Wise up and don’t spread lies.

Well above SLO county’s vaccination rate and well above the 70-80% thought to be required for herd immunity.

Herd immunity is a myth.

The problem with your herd immunity statement is that Cal Poly doesn’t exist in a vacuum completely isolated from the community. Students live throughout the county and even the ones that live on campus regularly come in contact with the “unvaccinated masses” of the area (just spend one evening in downtown SLO while school is in session for proof of this).You have to consider the aggregate vaccination percentage of the entire area, not just one subset cohort. So yes, its not just the students in SLO county that need to get the vaccine, it’s everyone.

It would be nice if more than 90% of the students were fully vaccinated. However, Cal Poly is still doing much better than SLO County, where the fully vaccinated rate lags behind at just 61.7%

And I noted that the case load in the city of SLO has dropped accordingly. It is really sad that so many of our citizenry have such inadequate math skills that they cannot put the facts together and protect themselves. It is a matter of education, critical thinking and common sense. However, if one is opposed to all three of those (as the “down” arrows on your post reveals), it is a “lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink” situation. Sadly, we will be stuck in mask mode for as long as it takes for them to wise up or die off, I guess.

…every day people choose not to wear seatbelts, helmets or condoms etc. Nothing surprising here.

Interesting how both comments received down votes.

If Cal Poly were a country, it would rank first in vaccine percentages, ahead of the current #1, Malta, with a 82% vaccination rate.

The US was initially one of the leaders in getting people vaccinated, but sadly has slipped to almost 40th place now with an overall vaccination rate of 53%. Canada had a late vaccine start, but is now beating us at 69%, as is almost all the rest of our G7 allies by double digits: UK (65%), Spain (73%), France (62%), Germany (62%), Italy (63%).

I think we all know the reason why this happened. When even Τrυmр comes around and meekly encourages vaccines only to spinelessly back down when he get booed by his radical right “base”, we know we have a problem.

Considering the conservative nature certain large majors on the campus, the 90% figure is pure fiction. By all means, keep thinking it if it makes you feel safer.