SLO County gas prices skyrocketing, find the lowest cost

May 22, 2022


Tighter supply and increased demand have pushed gas prices in San Luis Obispo to a record high. During the past week, the average price of gas increased 12 cents to $6.27 a gallon, according to figures from AAA.

At $6.77 a gallon, the average price of diesel is even higher.

SLO County currently has the 11th highest price for gas in the state. Listing the highest average price, Mono County’s price for a gallon of regular gasoline this week is $6.94.

The national average price for a gallon of gas increased 12 cents during the past week to $4.59.

Where in SLO County do you find the cheapest gas prices? Using data from GasBuddy, we’ve compiled a list of gas stations with cheaper prices.

Top 10 lowest priced gas stations in SLO County:

  1. Sinclair – Morro Bay, Morro Bay Boulevard: $5.77
  2. Speedway Express – Paso Robles, Spring Street: $5.79
  3. Shell – Morro Bay, Morro Bay Boulevard: $5.79
  4. Mobil – Morro Bay, Morro Bay Boulevard: $5.79
  5. Conserve Fuel –  San Luis Obispo, Santa Rosa Street: $5.79
  6. Costco – San Luis Obispo, Froom Ranch Way: $5.79
  7. Arco – Atascadero, San Anselmo Road: $5.83
  8. One Stop Food – Paso Robles, Spring Street: $5.85
  9. Circle K – Atascadero, Morro Road: $5.91
  10. Circle K – Atascadero, El Camino Real: $5.91

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I think it is just hilarious how all the MAGA crowd just loves to blame either Biden or our Governor for high gas prices. Perhaps they are unaware that those politicians do not set gas prices, or any other prices for that matter. What they should be contemplating instead is the fact that deregulation of industries, which they consider a gold standard of policies, led to the removal of WINDFALL PROFITS TAXES, which were once in place to prevent this kind of situation. And you can bet it was NOT a “liberal” who got the idea to do that.

Another thing to consider is that oil companies already have 9,000 unused leases to drill on FEDERAL LAND. That means they can go onto property owned by The People and suck out profit to their heart’s content. It is not the doing of the Biden administration nor Gov. Newsom that they have not yet exploited said leases. But hey, they are already raking in record profits, so why should they?

Granting yet more leases will obviously not fix this problem. However, transitioning away from oil will do the trick. So will a WINDFALL PROFITS TAX. If you really care, how about asking for that?

And Governor Newsom could care less, he doesn’t have to pay for his gas, we do.

And it’s on purpose folks! There is and was no plan to deal with the disaster “they” are causing to the country because they had no idea of the repercussions of their actions. He’s going to “eliminate fossil fuels”. A

publicly stated policy. And your seeing the results. They’re surprised again. Now he’s trying to not eliminate fossil fuels? It’s nothing but complete incompetence. What is the rational for this: Pumping US oil will destroy the environment so we must reduce that but replacing that reduction with foreign oil is somehow OK!!???! That’s Joe’s plan??? Totally irrational nonsense. This is what happens when the “C” students are in charge.

Just wait until the news gets out on the subject of electric vehicles. The why do we have to process the lithium in China or elsewhere? What a mess, not in this country and that make it ok. A factual manipulation to ratchet up the costs for everything.

So why is the gas $2.20 higher than most other states? I heard California is putting an additional tax on gas next month, is that true?

Mostly from the fact that the gas you buy in California, was made here. The production costs include very high corporate taxes, extreme insurance rates, production regulations that exist nowhere else, expensive additives that no other state uses (or in the amounts we do), union wages, transportation costs (no pipelines in the state), and the highest per gallon tax than any other state. Not to mention, California has more cars, trucks, aircraft, generators etc. than any other state.

Add additional costs in SLO county, because we banned oil pipelines long ago, so petroleum must be trucked or trained through here, and the 101 is a main transportation artery.

Voters (and I mean those who live in the Bay Area and LA), okayed a progressive gas tax that can be increased at the whim of Sacramento, with no further say by the citizens (remember that whole “taxation without representation” thing that helped cause a revolution? Yeah, this is some of that).

“Elections have consequences”

-Barack H. Obama-

The national average was predicted today to be $6.09 per gal by the end of summer… That would make the price per gal in California around 9 bucks…..