SLO City Council votes to ban or limit watering turf

August 20, 2022

SLO City Hall sign


The San Luis Obispo City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to ban the watering of ornamental turf at businesses and to ban the watering of turf and ornamental plants at residences during daytime hours.

In response to the governor’s emergency drought mandates, the city declared a stage two water shortage, even though technically the city’s water reliability is secure. The city is now limiting watering at residential properties to between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Watering non-functional turf at business, government and commercial properties is banned. However, watering is permitted at “sports fields and turf that is regularly used for human recreational purposes or for civic or community events.”

To ensure the health of trees, irrigating trees is permitted.

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How about, instead of simply cut backs on water, Californians focus on more water infrastructure, like dams for more storage of rainy season rainfall, canals to get it where it’s needed most, desalinaization and solar for Clean water production, mandating sale of sensor-on faucets, more efficient toilets, or other better reclamation technology, reducing water intensive crops types with taxes.

Basically this water problem is only going to get worse as time passes. People are pretending that the precipitation is goin to be heavy this year and replenish ground supplies and everything is just goin to go back to normal. But you can’t predict the climate over the span or years, so what if it doesn’t? You need to attack this problem from multiple sides and invest in the future.

How about a ban on new unsustainable housing built by Gary Grossman and Dennis Moresco that doesn’t even meet building code standards because they are in with the city?

Request for rate increases in 3-2-1…,