Los Osos board rejects bid to become a city

December 6, 2022


The Los Osos Community Services District Board of Directors voted 4-0 to reject plans last to turn the bedroom community into a city, during its Dec. 1 board meeting. Instead, the board voted to bring community groups together to discuss bringing in more funding for the community.

Multiple speakers argued that Los Osos, a bedroom community with about 14,500 residents and few retail outlets, does not have the sales tax base needed to become a city. Los Osos has three hotels, a handful of restaurants and a few shops.

It’s property taxes go to schools, the district and the county, as directed by law.

Based on current tax and fee revenues, Los Osos would need to generate an estimated $1.7 million per year, or $118 per resident, in new taxes to provide needed revenue to be a city.

Multiple residents spoke out against the district spending funds on a process that was unlikely to succeed, including former San Luis Obispo County administrative officer David Edge.

“There’s a reason there hasn’t been an incorporation in the past 20 years, it’s because counties got pissed off with incorporating city’s taking their revenue, and the legislature said, ‘Geez, your right,'” Edge said. “Basically, it doesn’t make sense unless you get a big box store revenue and that isn’t going to happen in Los Osos. This is a solution looking for a problem.”

Director, Marshall Ochylski asked if the community could come together to brainstorm with the county to get more funding for the district.

“How can we get the county to do more for us?,” Ochylski asked. “We need parks and rec out here.”

The board agreed to have staff invite stakeholder groups such as the Los Osos Community Advisory Council, Kiwanis and Rotary Club to a stakeholder meeting to develop a strategic plan.

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From dusty vacation sea shanties to the need for big business so that today’s wants and wishes can be attained. You can thank the county for allowing the lot sizes to be cut in half so that enough people would piss in their well water requiring a sewage plant thence more growth. Now the need is for more greenies with their dribbling wallets {ha ha} to help fund their new preservation city.

Not enough tax money? Put at kiosk on the entrance to Montana de Oro. Charge $15 day use fee for all non-overnight campers and non-Los Osos residents.

There is no reason the Los Osos Community Services District can’t also be involved in community parks and recreation programs. Other CSD’s do it, it’s just a matter of priorities and, as always, public support ($).

Know what happens when you leave your big city, to come live in a little unincorporated town?

You don’t get to have your big city stuff.

“How can we get the county to do more for us?,” Ochylski asked. “We need parks and rec out here.” Why? What exactly do you need? A higher salary? Yeah, I’m guessing that’s what it’s really about :/

It’s true there’s not a lot of ways to bring in income if all the property tax goes to the state and county, but it’s also true that Los Osos has always felt like the unwanted stepchild of SLO County. We watch our property taxes go to projects all over the county while we see very little coming back. I’d be curious to see how much of each of our individual dollars comes back to the community versus going to other unincorporated towns and projects that lay just over the county border but benefit cities like SLO, Atascadero etc. The way California sees 85¢ of federal spending for each $1 it contributes, while red states like Alabama see $1.43 for each of their $1 contributions