San Luis Obispo County to close homeless parking site

March 1, 2023


Three months after several people staying at San Luis Obispo County’s safe parking site joined a homeless union, the county decided to close the site.

Located off Highway 1 near the county jail, the safe parking site opened in August 2021 during a rise in COVID cases. The site provides a place for homeless people to park their cars or recreational vehicles.

In November, more than 40 of the approximately 70 people living at the safe parking site off Kansas Avenue joined the California Homeless Union because they thought that the county and Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO) were not getting things done at the site.

People living at the site were seeking more of an active role in the security and governance of the parking area.

The county now plans to stop allowing new people to stay at the site while working to close the parking area sometime this year. The goal is to move people into long-term housing with the help of local homeless services providers.

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The YouTuber Nick Johnson tours Homeless communities all over the USA, He interviewed a Social Worker down in L.A. , and she talked about how the Billions meant for the homeless are NOT spent on the homeless. Instead they build “Affordable housing”, but its built for those making a decent wage. Who can afford an actual Mortgage, NOT to help anyone of the Homeless be housed. And why would the people in charge of distribution want the Homeless on the Street helped? When IT would mean the end of all those Billions coming in from the Federal Government for “The Homeless. She was disgusted over the misappropriation of the $$, stating Non of it ends up in the hands of the very people it is allocated for.

I do have questions, IS the County closing the Safe Parking in retaliation against these Homeless forming their Union? Was this a Planned Shut-down from when they first chose to open it? And where will they now send these people? Back to Los Osos?

It will get harsh before better. Hundreds of millions are funded annually in this County and there is a definite need to set limits so that SLO County does not be the states receptor for the unhoused. We should start with a no work no pay policy.

I assume you’re willing to give them work? Work that will pay for shelter, utilities, food, etc. in our overpriced County?

Homelessness is incredibly complex and has no one solution.

To the first 3 comments you do not know what caused these people to be homeless maybe they can’t work or mentally deal with people they say the goal is to move them into low cost long term so I ask you where in this county does that exist? there are many 2 parent working families that spend most of there money on rent are on the verge of being homeless themselves at any time and they are working! It would be a lot cheaper to make the current parking lot safer have county do trash pickup and other services to keep the people there. I think you just don’t like how it looks and that is main reason to close. They let millions of illegals in that have contributed nothing to this country and give them better housing and care than we do for our own citizens. If our country continues on it’s current political path you may be happy they don’t close the park so you will have a place to live. Do not judge people by their situation until you have the facts.

Where do I begin……

I’m not judging,I see first hand what is living out there,sometimes they stop at a ranch where I rent,one guy was higher than a kite,glassy eyed the weathered look to him,he has the mental capacity to get money,buy drugs and get high.Then there was another one that walked to the first house and tried the front door to get in,the resident called the sheriff.It stinks that in broad daylight we have to lock our doors when we are home.

Alot of us in SLO County are a paycheck away from the street but we try.

Help the ones that want help and rest need to move on.

Who’s judging not me.

On their trek into town from the camp or out of town to the camp,they walk on to ranch were I rent,right past private ranch road,no trespassing. One guy was higher than a kite,glassy eyed,weathered look to him he got very nasty with me when I asked him to leave.He has the mental capacity to get money,buy drugs and get high. Another one came down and tried a door to one of the houses,she called the sheriff.It’s crazy that we have to keep our door locked during daytime hours when we’re home.

Help the ones that want to get off the streets and tell the rest to move on down the road.

Sorry about double post

Good luck!…

Check out the Tribune article. Google the outstanding citizen from the picture at the bottom.

They wouldn’t need a Union if they get out and be productive, be an active participant in what services there are to help them get into housing or down the road.

Are “homeless unions” common? I’ve never heard of that term before.

A Homeless union? Now I’ve heard everything. Let’s, homeless people were getting something for free, but still they had demands?

But looks like the homeless are going to get a nice apartment instead someday in the future (“…[SLO’s] goal is to move people into long-term housing”). Maybe some will be lucky enough will get the penthouse floor in the future Anderson Building For The Homeless.