Man arrested for robbery, assault in San Luis Obispo

April 6, 2023

Omar Justo


San Luis Obispo Police arrested a man accused of robbing and assaulting another homeless man off Marsh Street near the Toro Street Bridge on Wednesday afternoon.

Shortly after noon, a 21-year-old man was on the bank of San Luis Obispo Creek when 35-year-old Omar Justo, who had a nearby encampment, approached him and demanded his backpack. After the victim dropped his backpack, Justo threatened to kill and sexually assault him.

Justo then punched and kicked the victim, dragged him into the creek, prevented him from climbing out of the water, and threw large rocks striking him on the torso. The victim was able to flee to the opposite side of the creek and to a nearby business to request help.

First responders transported the victim to a local hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.

Officers located Justo in the area where the assault had taken place and booked him in San Luis Obispo County Jail on charges of robbery, criminal threats, assault with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, kidnapping and committing a felony while out on release.

In June 2022, Justo was arrested for a robbery and assault at a homeless encampment near the Highway 101 and Madonna Road interchange, but was released from custody on January 18 on the Post Arraignment Monitoring Program, while awaiting trial.

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I drive over the bridge daily. It is an established encampment next to the Dallidet Adobe and behind the Smart and Final, a mix of creek encampments, a van and a well intentioned landscaped area with benches also occupied by the lower end homeless having only a tarp or umbrella Don’t blame the City or the police, they are not allowed to do anything absent a crime. There is no solution other than mandatory treatment. Every very well paid homeless advocate who says otherwise is lying, and they know it. It’s a good paying gig, they have no reason to change anything.

Ding, ding, ding!! As others have termed it, it’s the Homeless Industrial Complex. And I would add, it’s a giant money-laundering scheme. The Federal and State grant dollars flow into the “non-profits” that purport to be working for a solution, and, I personally suspect, a great deal of that grant money finds its way back to local politicians in the form of campaign contributions. The classic self-licking ice cream cone.

I had a county official tell me we spend about $70,000 a year per homeless individual through all the services, 1500 est homeless times 70,000, $105,000,000 annually.

Not the brightest bulb in the box.