Norovirus outbreak temporarily closes Luna Red Restaurant

May 20, 2024


Dozens of people who worked or ate at Luna Red Restaurant in San Luis Obispo last week became ill with the Norovirus, according to staff.

The restaurant was temporarily closed, but opened back on Sunday with workers now wearing gloves. The virus is highly contagious with people showing symptoms shortly after contact with a person, food, or a surface that has been contaminated. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain, chills, abdominal cramps and fever.

Norovirus is generally spread by people who touch or prepare food when they are sick, or sometimes by food that comes from contaminated water.

San Luis Obispo County Health Department staff initially told a reporter to call another department because the outbreak was related to food. However, Environmental Health Departments staff said to call the Health Department epidemiologist because the outbreak was not food related.

Epidemiologist Jessie Burmester would not say if the county was looking into the outbreak, though she would ask a public relations person to reach out.


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This restaurant should be shut down and a through investigation should be conducted to find the source of the contamination before allowing it to reopen. The responses from the Health Dept. and Environmental Health are totally unacceptable.

Russian Roulette every time you go out to eat. Seems crazy to spend money to take that gamble.

I’m sure over the years I’ve been out to eat at nearly a hundred places around the county – never gotten sick, so I’d say there are a lot of chambers on that revolver. Now that I think about it, the only time I’ve gotten a food born illness was from the grocery store… I continue to get food from there, doesn’t seem crazy.