Pismo Beach officials accused of cheating contractor, jury agrees

June 3, 2024


A San Luis Obispo Superior Court jury on Friday awarded $350,000 to a contractor who Pismo Beach officials threatened to harm unless he agreed to accept less than the city owed him for his work.

Four years ago, Vince Lopez with V. Lopez Jr. & Sons and city staff argued over who was responsible for delays in the construction of a new sewer lift station. Even though the initial argument was over a $69,000 fine, city taxpayers will likely dole out more than $2 million for legal fees and the court judgement.

After the project took an extra 69 days to complete, then City Manager Jim Lewis and Public Works Director Ben Fine blamed the contractor who they claimed was not always prepared.

On the other side, Lopez said the city’s deficient construction plans and poor coordination with other contractors caused the delays.

“Ben Fine refused to sit down and work it out,” Lopez said. “Now it will cost the citizens millions.”

On Oct. 6, 2020, the city council accepted the project as complete “in accordance with the contract, plans, and specifications,” while also approving a fine of $69,000 against Lopez for the delay.

A month later, city staff informed Lopez of plans to ask the city council to deem his construction company an irresponsible bidder, an action that could seriously harm a 41-year-old family business as Lopez is required to disclose the matter to prospective government clients.

Noting he did not think he was liable for the $69,000 in damages, Lopez agreed to pay the damages, to not bid jobs with the city for five years, and to not sue them for the cost of additional work, in an attempt to protect his company’s reputation, Lopez said.

However, a month later, the city responded to his offer with a demand for an additional $161,250 for costs they related to the delay, or they would proceed with the public disbarment action. City attorney David Fleishman then warned Lopez’s attorney of the losses his client could incur if he failed to agree to their demand.

“While your client may feel he is in the right, from a strictly business standpoint, your client stands to lose a lot more than the $69,000 you have offered here,” Fleishman wrote in an Nov. 12 email to Lopez’s attorney Scott Baker. “The city offer was one of compromise, not ‘extortion,’ as your client put it.”

During the trial, city staff argued they never approved the additional work. However, their emails proved otherwise, Lopez said.

“Jim Lewis and Ben Fine lied to the city council,” Lopez said. “That is why we won. The big bully could not push us around.”

On Friday, the jury found the city had failed to pay Lopez the money it owed him, according to the verdict. The city “unfairly and in bad faith interfered with Lopez’s right to receive the benefits of the contract.”


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Ben Fine…only in Government can an individual be so incompetent yet keep a job.

Way to go V. Lopez. I can imagine the rage that goes along with being the victim of an inept (at best) but essentially all powerful overseer, and the elation resulting from eventual justice.

I worked in the construction industry for over 40 years before I retired. It was common to see this kind of thing go on during that entire time. Pismo Beach was one (but certainly not the only) primary offender. Occasionally one would see long delayed justice for the contractor as in this case, but I don’t every recall any perps every being fired.

Cities employ plan checkers to review plans before they go out to bid to ensure they conform to all requirements for construction, such as setbacks, environmental concerns, site limitations, etc. If the plans were a mess, this should have been caught early on. Change orders are expensive and inevitably cause delays.

I am glad Lopez fought this and won, exposing the shenanigans of the administrators, but sorry for the citizens of Pismo Beach who end up paying the bill.

Sounds to me like the city staff, Lewis and Fine, got some heat from the council for not doing their jobs then threatened Lopez with false claims (extortion) to get the contractor to take responsibility for their failure to perform the duties they were paid for, (lying and theft) then the city attorney Fleishman got involved and said Lopez owes more than $69,000 for the 69-day delay. How does $161,250 sound? Apparently not too good to the jury.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

We the people say, “government may not use our money to harassment and extort us.”

Staff lying to the city council? Par for the course in Pismo and SLO.

Millions of dollars in legal fees? Another example of the unwavering arrogance demonstrated by overpaid city administrators. Lewis is already gone, Fine an Fleishman should be next.

So its fraud when John Belsher and Ryan Wright ask contractors to do work for them and then offer then half of what they are owed while saying they will lose money if they fight in court. But its okay when its Pismo Beach’s city manager, public works director and attorney. .


Is this why Jim Lewis left to manage Atascadero? And why hasn’t the Pismo Beach City Council terminated Ben Fine and David Fleishman? Could the bar sanction Fleishman for his self serving bad advice?

Does Lying to the City Council and Extortion carry any additional consequences, or do we just continue to let our city officials push around the Contractors? I’m guessing that there will be no accountability for these city ” Officials” that continue to cost the taxpayers millions.

Answer: Just keep raising taxes to cover up for the City’s mismanagement.