Residents without water for hours after Grover Beach water main break

June 23, 2024


A break in a water main on Saturday afternoon left hundreds of residents without water until evening.

While crews from a development company were working to connect water lines to a mixed use development they are building, a water main broke on West Grand Avenue.

Water customers from 5th Street to 8th Street and from Brighton Avenue to Longbranch Avenue were without water for about six hours.

City crews worked to restore service.


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Thanks to Debbie Peterson and her minions there will be no money to fix 60 year water pipes in the future.

Hopefully the contractor will be paying for his mistakes here, and if the city reduced the percentage of its budget used for compensation from the current 75-85% down to a sustainable 35-45% there would be money for infrastructure.

ShootTheMessenger what part of: ” Please address the Policies, events and arguments, not the person.” is not clear to you?

kayaknut Your comment was fine, “ShootTheMessenger”‘s reply not so much.