Salud Carbajal refuses to debate challenger Thomas Cole

August 31, 2024

Congressman Salud Carbajal


Congressman Salud Carbajal is refusing to debate his challenger arguing Thomas Cole’s views on border control and trans rights endanger the community. Cole responded by saying Carbajal is “chicken.”

The candidates had planned to attend a KEYT debate on Oct. 13.

“Thomas Cole’s campaign spews hateful rhetoric against LGBTQ+ individuals, using the same anti-trans conspiracies that put transgender lives at risk every single day in America,” according to Carbajal’s campaign. “Cole demonizes and fearmongers about immigrants fleeing violence and seeking asylum in the United States.”

Cole argues Carbajal is in line with other Democratic candidates who refuse to debate, censor free speech, and try to sideline their political opponents with lies and slander.

“I commend KEYT for being courageous enough for trying to give voters an opportunity to decide,” Cole responded. “Do they want open borders, endless wars, and school sports gender indoctrination? Sadly, Salud Carbajal is playing the chicken, hiding behind his taxpayer-funded newsletters and trying to trick and mislead the public.”

During the 2020 race, Carbajal backed out of one debate and then declined multiple requests to participate in public forums with his opponent Andy Caldwell.


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For a Marine, Carbajal sure is a coward. Let’s see him defend his positions.

He doesn’t have to, he knows most people here just vote for whoever has a “D” by their name.

A smart Marine only fights if he needs to.

He won’t debate because he doesn’t know how to debate. Hyperbole and strawman is all he has.

So much for “democracy”.

Carbajal will win, the advantages he has as incumbent are real. Nonetheless, it is a public service and duty to let your constituents see you opine in public with your main opponent. I think this is laziness from a relatively inarticulate and below average Member of Congress. Come on Marine, where’s your fighting energy?

Carbajal continues to prove he is two faced liar and a coward.

Names, that all you have?

Like I’ve said before, until Republicans nominate common sense conservatives who believe in climate change, respect the rights of women and don’t fear monger on the issues of immigration and the LGBTQ community, they will continue to lose elections in California. Cole is a MAGA extremist who would do nothing to help the people in our area.

I wouldn’t debate a grown man who name calls either. And both sides of the isles runs endless wars, outside of Socialist party; who condemn it all, like Jewish Senator Sanders, who condemns Israel and Ukraine, come on here. You can’t be against Ukraine or Isis but be Pro Israel, literally all the same in the eyes of the DoD and the war industrial complex. Political and religious affiliation are literally just words to the rich and mean absolutely nothing, it’s literally just tools to brainwash the masses.