Who supports raising California’s minimum wage through Prop. 32

September 21, 2024


If passed, Proposition 32 will raise the minimum wage in California to $17 for the remainder of 2024, and $18 an hour starting in Jan. 2025 for businesses with 25 or more employees. The minimum wage is currently $16 an hour.

For small businesses with less than 25 employees, Prop. 32 would raise the minimum wage to $17 in Jan. 2025, and $18 in 2026.

Proponents of raising the minimum wage have donated more than $10.4 million. Donors include: California Democratic Party, League of Women Voters of California, California Labor Federation, Unite Here, and One Fair Wage.

Supporters argue every Californian working a 40-hour week should be able to earn a living wage. Also, that if more people earn a fair wage the entire economy would prosper.

Opponents include: California Restaurant Association, California Grocers Association, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and the California Chamber of Commerce. Opponents argue the passage of Prop. 32 will harm small businesses. They point at the increase in wages for fast food employees to $20 an hour, which has led to layoffs and business closures.


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I believe a person has a right to work for what ever they agree to.

Just last weekend I worked 4 days 8-9 hours per day for way less than minimum wage. No workers comp, benefits, safety program or wages. It’s called volunteer work and no monetary compensation provided, just serving the community. So why can’t I work for $15 an hour if I chose to?

Why not $14? Why not $12? Why not for free? Why is slavery illegal? …unbelievable. Things are already bad enough as they are and the sentiment in these comments is to make them worse. smh.

Always looking to the government to solve problems is what has caused the decline in our standard of living in this country, the big corporations make huge profits, pay below poverty wages and pay little or no taxes. Then they lobby our officials to open the boarders so they have a huge pool of low wage earners to fill these jobs. The solution is to limit the numbers of unskilled labor so that a demand is created causing wages to rise.

As to why not work for free that was my point, I can and do work for free so why have a minimum wage?

NAFTA was the sellout of the American worker and has gotten worse since, but you are probably too young to remember when appliances lasted fifteen years and every thing was not thrown in the trash six months after you bought it.

Of course, Vote No on this proposition. Also, Proposition 5, which is California public employee unions’ latest attack on Prop. 13. Major sponsor of Prop. 5 is your loving brothers at California Firefighters Union. A group that is never satisfied with their crazy compensation packages. Prop. 5 makes it easier to raise taxes in California.

Can we get a prop that requires politicians to take an economics course? In 22 years, inflation has gone up 75% but actual costs have gone up 300-400%. Printing more money does not make you richer, it only devalues the money already in your pocket. 48% of all currency in circulation was printed in the last 4 years because the government has a spending problem. It doesn’t matter what you set minimum wage at because it always just ends up cutting the pie into smaller and smaller pieces. If you want to give the lower income a larger piece of the pie, you need to fix the person slicing it.

No need to raise minimum wage if Sacramento would quit inventing new taxes and fees on every single person in California.

Government mandated wage levels only hurt employees and people and business owners…. the only benefit for them goes to the charlatan’s who propose this stuff to get elected…

In this case the government is us, the people. Vote against it if you wish, but if it passes, it will be the will of the people. I guess that’s why so many Republicans would like to elect a dictator so the people have no voice in what happens to them.

Vote NO on Prop 32.

Minimum Wage should be indexed to the Cost of Living Index. Government regulation of the Minimum Wage is a stupid political game. Wages should be regulated by Free Enterprise. Not by the Disinformation Bureaucrats of Big Government.

Good point. California is fourth highest on the cost of living index. Hawaii is first and they are also on schedule to raise their minimum wage to $18 an hour.

At this point with the vast disparity between rich and poor… a dollar might as well be a dime to anyone earning that wage.

More like vast disparity between government and private sector, you cant tell me a city manager in Pismo with a almost $500,000 compensation package can relate to us regular people. No on any new taxes…….

That must be what people tell themselves to make them feel better about not providing a living wage…

The same people that downvoted this comment are the same people that then complain about homelessness.