Grover Beach’s misinformation campaign harms our community

January 13, 2025


By the end of last year, some said 2025 would be better. Two weeks on, I’m not so sure.

One of my out-of-state friends sent this message today: “What the world has become, growing up we would not have believed if someone had told us this is what it would be like in 2025. Southern California is on fire, Florida has snow. We have atmospheric rivers, atmospheric winds, and tornadoes galore.

“Droughts and floods in the same states, air you can’t breathe, food you can’t eat, water you can’t drink. Politicians acting like kindergartners; so many are crooks and cheats with so much wealth, yet so many on the streets. We are prosecuting heroes and letting criminals go free. Paying for things we don’t get and getting things we didn’t pay for.”

His lament rings true of my home city, Grover Beach. In 2024, we had our first tornado, first recall, first repeal of water and sewer rates, and a conviction of the city for election violations.

Residents and businesses on West Grand Avenue headed into 2025 with air they can’t breathe and food they can’t eat in restaurants because of the smell. During the excavation of Gary Grossman’s project at 197 Grand Avenue, which started in late December, community members enduring noxious smells, headaches, and burning eyes and throats sounded the alarm.

They photographed and videoed violations of safety protocols the city, state, and federal government claim to require.They sent photos of barrels filled with what looked like dirty oil that were pulled from the dig site to local media.

It took two days to even loosely cover massive mounds of dirt oozing a black sticky substance that the city says was “naturally occurring tar balls.” It is strange that those alleged “naturally” occurring tar balls were unearthed encased in damaged drums, barrels, and one massive underground storage tank.

Ooze or no ooze, the air pollution control district says those mounds must be covered by tarps and the soil watered down. Trucks removing such substances are to be brushed or hosed down.

Sidewalks and streets are to be kept clean of any material emanating from the site. Workers must wear protective clothing, hard hats, and even respirators when moving contaminated soil. Many of those requirements, however, are being ignored by the city.

Did anyone apart from those suffering the ill effects take it seriously? Not the city, not the regulatory agencies, and not the San Luis Obispo Tribune. Instead, the Tribune parroted the city, claiming there were no improprieties and everything is perfectly safe.

But it wasn’t.

The Tribune reporters failed to mention the barrels of tar pulled from the site and failed to explain the reports available on the project.

Instead, Tribune staff helped disseminate the city and the developer’s misinformation campaign.

Now, a day late and a dollar short, after the contaminated soils disappeared off to Cold Canyon Landfill, several regulatory agencies visited the site. Even more stunning is the failure of city officials to visit the site.

However, citizens have legal and electoral remedies over city staff and officials.

In regards to the Tribune, which contributed to the ongoing harm to workers, residents, customers, and visitors to the west end of Grand Avenue, there is a remedy.

Boycott the Tribune until it takes on the role of an honest, community publication. Don’t buy the paper, cancel your subscription, and don’t respond to its reporters, because, after all, somebody has to exercise oversight. Let it be you.

You can make a difference!

Debbie Peterson is an investigative reporter and author of The Happiest Corruption, Sleaze, Lies, & Suicide in a California Beach Town, City Council 101, Leadership Secrets of Taylor Swift, and Local Impact.


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Debbie Peterson is an “investigative reporter?!?” I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. She’s no more an “investigative reporter” than Trump is a liberal.

Well, refute what she said. Otherwise, this remains a factual opinion piece.

I would agree with all of this Opinion piece, Except – ” Politicians acting like kindergartners” Kindergartners know how to communicate, share, work together and include others. The have not learned ( yet ) how to lie cheat, steal and accept unfairness or corruption. Perhaps politicians in general should go back to kindergarten and start over. Just my opinion. And as far as the tribune goes- well seems they could use some lessons in actual journalism- something that is a lost art and is surely needed. Again- my opinion.

I must be nice to reside in such a state of privilege to cast judgement upon others for whatever you find to be a problem. The Grossman project is building homes for people in a place where everyone is demanding more homes. They didn’t put the stuff in the ground, they are having to deal with it the best way they can with the guidance of officials. You think they wanted to find that there? Give me a break, it is costing a fortune that they didn’t anticipate, so maybe try to understand the situation better. Contrary to what you believe, not everything you don’t like is the evils of the world conspiring against your magical little community.

What are you doing to try and meet the demands for more housing within a bureaucracy that makes it nearly impossible to build?

So many entitled whining, privileged know it alls spouting off problems of any kind they can find…what’s YOUR solution? Anyone can stand around and complain, very few actually do anything…just a bunch of whiners complaining about things to make each other feel validated. How about suck it up and stop looking for stuff to complain about and start asking how you can maybe help.

The solution requested here? Simple: follow the law! Excavate according to the planning conditions and safety regulations for workers and those in the vicinity. Is that too much to ask?

Public officials need to be accoutable for their actions. The fires down south are proof that there is NO accountaility for public officials in California.

Sadly, the people who think their voice counts is few. This Thursday 1/16 will be the LAFCO meeting, included will be a proposal to annex the town of Santa Margarita water supply of 535 customer meters to the Santa Margarita Ag Cluster of zero meters. This CEQUA review was for a standalone project and was approve without the Town of Santa Margarita (the bait, not a party to the review) and now comes the switch, the development wants to co-mingle water supplies. How about that, the County has their hands in the development to sell, and the town will now have to deal with the County of San Luis Obispo and their trickery again. The last big one was when the County of San Luis Obispo PROMOTED the comingling of the special districts into a CSA and the first thing the County did was to let go of the 200-acre feet of water from the Salinas Reservoir, a benefit to the Town of Santa Margarita for over 50 years. Yes, a taking without compensation. The plumbing is still there yet the county does not want the town to retain their benefit of affordable water, as in planting a garden, remember those days?

It’s crazy the way the Tribune defends the elected officials and bureaucrats instead of the people in the communities. The Tribune for whatever reason is trying to portray Ty Lewis’s behavior as normal for a city manager and make Karen out to be the bad guy. Now their focus of the recording is still on Karen and thinking she might have violated some act thats a misdemeanor. The Tribune didn’t seem to care that the recording showed a healthy debate between two representatives of their community and that it contradicted Ty Lewis’s claims of assault or whatever it was. If the Tribune wants to find people violating the law they should be focusing on the people harming communities and not people like Karen uncovering corruption and holding people accountable.

I guess somewhere along the road to today, local government officials began to think of themselves as private business folks and adopted head-in-the-sand attitudes of secrecy, cover-ups, misleading and keeping citizens at arm’s length.Debbie has always been a lone voice in the wilderness, a beacon of integrity, honesty and character. If there is a god, he/she should have made a lot more Debbie Petersons.

Ditto that. And her comments regarding the Tribune’s behavior should be broadcast far, far and wide.

The moderator speaks.

No, my name is not Dan or Karen.

Liberals will insist that it is “progress”, and who doesn’t want progress?

I mean, except for those who understand the reality of progressives…

Mr. Messkit, sir, is it your understanding that the “liberal type progress” to which you cynically refer is the presence in an individual of “integrity, honesty, and character?”

Sure, progressives and liberals are well known for not caring about the environment, especially when it comes to corporate profits. What exactly are you smoking, sir?

What would get more attention from law makers:

Pissing on a news outlet that never picked up a shovel on this job site.


Drawing attention to the contractors and related management that schemed on all that is reported on this article.

You are barking up the wrong tree.

From what I hear, neighbors, local businesses, and customers are doing both. They are boycotting the Tribune AND drawing attention to the contractors and related management that schemed on all that is reported in this article, and doing everything they can to support the businesses impacted.

Still trying to figure out how The Tribune is to blame for the polluted soil. What other news outlet is to blame? KSBY? New Times? CCN?

Don’t Worry Debbie,

I already boycott the lying Tribune.

In fact,

We moved out o Grover city because of the corrupt people and disregard for the citizens.

You may have also missed a target.

Was a Chumash representative on site?

They have the ability to order a Stop work request.

Were soil samples taken prior to work commencing?

That site was a prior gas station.

That whole project seems to have been badly mismanaged by the city and planners.