Locals protest wind energy projects off the coast of Morro Bay

January 19, 2025

Offshore wind energy protest in Morro Bay


A group of approximately 250 people on Saturday protested the three wind energy projects proposed off the coast of Morro Bay and the associated impacts. With signs seeking to support the whales, fisherman and our way of life, people protested near Morro Rock.

The National Offshore-wind Opposition Alliance (NOOA) sponsored the nationwide event. The alliance is a one issue collation made up of environmental, fishing and community organizations, tribal nations and groups like San Luis Obispo County’s REACT Alliance.

REACT Alliance is a nonprofit, non-partisan volunteer organization that opposes the proposed offshore wind projects off the coast of Morro Bay.

The event was focused on informing the incoming administration of the significant opposition to offshore wind from the east coast to the west coast and that his promise to end offshore wind must be kept. President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to end offshore wind energy projects his first day in office.

“We are going to make sure that that ends on day one,” Trump said during a campaign speech. “I’m going to write it out in an executive order. It’s going to end on day one.”

In Dec. 2022, an auction for three offshore wind energy sites located off the coast near Morro Bay netted over $400 million to the federal government. The plan is to have the wind turbines float in the ocean more than 20 miles off the coast, with the electricity sent ashore via cables along the ocean floor. The goal is to have the windmills in the water by 2030.

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We use to live in a country where when the people said no that was it…. No windmills and No storage Batteries… Period….

There is nothing green or renewable in wind or solar. Also, they both utilize massive amounts of carbon in the manufacturing process, installations, repairs, and in the need for parallel energy source for intermittent production. California buys 40 % of peak energy demand out of state. Our lack of energy reliability depends on other states to fill our needs. No one can even tell you the actual unsubsiduzed cost of wind energy to the consumer un California. Out put cost at the turbine does not factor in when the turbine is not producing electricity.

This is direct language from the office of the President:

“President Trump’s energy policies will end leasing to massive wind farms that degrade our natural landscapes and fail to serve American energy consumers.”


Great news. California’s pro offshore wind politicians should read the tea leaves and see their ideas and our tax dollars will be going nowhere soon. Just another economic boondoggle in the making.

Great day. :)

The offshore wind supporters ought take a look at the high speed rail project. That’s the future of offshore wind in California.


I asked about our local Assemblyperson, Dawn Addis, whether she has been in contact with the group or responsive to the issues raised: The answer was “she avoids us like the plague.” How’s that for listening to the concerns of constituents, whether or not she agrees?

*”Ignorant locals protest renewable energy” There ya go; much more accurate.

There is nothing renewable in a wind turbine. Turbines break down, they wear out and are junked. Very costly energy and environmental disasters.

Wind turbines at sea, placed in the harshest climate. What could go wrong ? How many ship trips so far mapping the bottom ? How many ship trips needed to construct these 1,000 foot steel monoliths with massive carbon blades and hydraulic reservoir to lubricate the gears and the totality anchored deep into the sea floor ? How many ship trips to maintain, repair and service and change the hydraulic oil ? How many miles of submarine cables and ship trips to do so for low yielding electricity, needing parallel back up (battery or natural gas or nuclear or coal) that know one knows the cost to the consumer ? California already has the nations most expensive energy.

Yes! Let common sense and fiscal sanity return to California… and not a minute too soon.

We’ve had our little binge of pretending loopy ,utopian projects and culture were the way to go. We watched that . We let it happen, but now it’s time to step up and sober up.

No to Dr. Suess style projects like these or the bullet train that can’t be afforded or ever finished. No to using Climate Alarmism as an excuse to impoverish our neighbors and ourselves.

A time for honest open debate , fiscal sense and unsensored Scientic Method to return.

NIMBY much?

Build another nuclear power plant, right beside Morro Rock. That would be beautiful, and safe.

Why would they do that when they can continue using Diablo canyon now that their no longer closing it down?


Because more Green Energy is better. The Plant’s Nuclear Waist is safe . Just ask Mother’s for (Diablo) Green Energy.

Just as a counterpoint to these “concerned citizens”.

Better yet, 4 more right next to Diablo Canyon. About 500 acres total would be used, to produce nearly half the state’s energy needs!

Although, a hot water outlet again, like the Duke plant, would be awesome for the surfers on the North side…