Partial closures of Highway 101 north of Paso Robles

January 29, 2025


In a effort to reduce the number of fatal crashes at the Wellsona Road and Highway 101 interchange north of Paso Robles, there will be partial closures of both north and southbound lanes through Jan. 30, according to the California Department of Transportation.

First announced in 2017, the current installment of temporary barriers is part of a $12.2 million project that has been repeatedly delayed.

In the future, Caltrans plans to construct a 112-foot underpass beneath Highway 101 and a frontage road to connect Wellsona Road.


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It’s not going to help. Statistics show driver error is the cause of most traffic collisions. Stop blaming the roads.

Delay, delay, delay… and all the while people die. This intersection has been a death trap for many years.

It is a death trap, but it is not the best design. Makes getting gas going northbound a pain in the rear. They need a northbound return ramp at the underpass off that frontage road. Otherwise you have to circle around, twice, getting off and on the Hwy when getting gas. Which is the reason why this site is so busy.

It will kill SanPaso’s business as a result. If that isn’t a concern then just block the northbound access to the gas station and save the dough on the construction. Same safety result and a lot less taxpayer money spent.