Seven-vehicle collision on Highway 101 in San Luis Obispo

February 12, 2025


A reported seven-vehicle collision on Highway 101 in San Luis Obispo slowed northbound traffic during rush hour on Wednesday afternoon, according to the CHP.

Shortly before 5:45 p.m., multiple vehicles crashed at the Monterey Street northbound off-ramp. At least one ambulance was called to the scene, according to the CHP.

Officers temporarily reduced traffic to one lane.


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Time for SLO to put in 3 more lanes on the 101, with 2 of them for bicycles…

right, the state could use all the extra money it has

My suspicion is 6 were driving at an irresponsible speed, 5 were driving too close to the vehicle in front, 4 weren’t paying close attention and seven did not make it to their destination on time.

the CHP could stop the excessive speed that we see every single day.

all they need to do is write citations at a lower speed than what they are doing now.

if they wrote at 85 it would clear things up for the speeders.

it would also make it easier to use an onramp, since the fools are doing 80+ in the slow lane.

I was driving northbound on the 101 at about 4:45pm heading home to North County. It was raining quite heavily. I stayed in the slow lane driving about 60 miles per hour. Cars and trucks were zipping past me at 75 to 80mph. I said out loud to my passenger, “They are going way too fast for these weather conditions. I just want them to stay away from me.” Why do people not understand that we have speed limits for a reason and that severe weather conditions warrant extra caution. A driver in a vehicle is responsible for the safety of all other drivers and passengers who share the roads with them. Please do not be a selfish, impatient and arrogant jerk. Please think of the safety of others, especially children. If you drive you are responsible for their lives. I pray no one was badly hurt in this accident, it could just as easily have been me involved.

I think you lost them at selfish, impatient and arrogant.

I think she lost them at “I was driving safely and responsibly”.

your pleas will no doubt go unnoticed.

the only solution is for the CHP to write citations at a lower speed than they are writing now.