Former Arroyo Grande City Councilman Ed Arnold Jr. was sentenced to nine months in jail today after pleading no contest to felony counts of residential burglary and possession of child pornography. [LompocRecord] San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Judge Barry... (Continue reading)
If you like caffeine with your beer, you’ll have to mix them yourself. [San Mateo Daily Journal] The California Assembly moved to prohibit the sale and production of popular energy drinks such as Joose and Four Loko, which are laced... (Continue reading)
Derrick Robert Rush, 28, of Arroyo Grande fell off an inner tube into the Kern River Friday and was not seen again. [Fresno] Tulare County Sheriff’s deputies continued searching for Rush after friends reported not seeing him surface when... (Continue reading)
A Pozo woman is taking aim at the California Department of Motor Vehicles after officials denied her request for a personalized license plate that would say GUNLOVE. Elizabeth Beeman, a card-carrying member of the NRA, learned of the DMV’s decision... (Continue reading)
Fifteen illegal immigrants were plucked off of Santa Cruz Island Sunday after being stranded and calling 9-1-1 for assistance. [LA Times] Members of the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Park Service searched the islands off of Santa Barbara last... (Continue reading)
Board president Marshall Ochylski summoned Sheriff’s deputies to help bring order to a contentious meeting of the Los Osos Community Services District on July 7. Following a motion and a second to appoint Michael Wright to fill the director seat... (Continue reading)
Four Fresno gang members pleaded no contest recently after leading police through a three-county crime spree last November that ended when San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s deputies apprehended them. [KION] Ramiro Vasquez, Joe Hernandez, Jr., and Manuel Del Real, all pleaded... (Continue reading)
The president of the San Luis Obispo firefighters union warned Friday that “people will die” if local voters pass two ballot measures in the upcoming August special election. Erik Baskin made the prediction during a live radio interview Friday afternoon... (Continue reading)
The debate over how much money a California State University president should be paid flared up again with word that the new president of San Diego State University will make $100,000 more annually than his predecessor. [LA Times] Dr. Elliot... (Continue reading)
Two men and a woman were arrested Friday for allegedly assaulting and robbing a woman who was staying at the Best Western Hotel in San Luis Obispo. At about 3:40 p.m., officers responded to a report of a robbery at... (Continue reading)