Daily Briefs

Man who tore down American flags arrested

Paso Robles Police arrested a man who took down flags displayed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. holiday for battery of a police officer and resisting arrest. On Monday at about noon, numerous 911 callers told emergency personnel a... (Continue reading)

PG&E weather forecast for Tuesday

Today's 7 to 9-foot west-northwesterly (285-degree deep-water) sea and swell (with a 7 to 20-second period) will build to 9 to 11-feet (with a 7 to 17-second period) on Wednesday. A 6 to 8-foot west-northwesterly (285-degree deep-water) swell (with an 11... (Continue reading)

Arnold: Being governor cost me $200 million

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger told an Austrian newspaper reporter that serving seven years in Sacramento cost him at least $200 million. [Reuters] “But I’m not sorry. It was more than worth it,” Schwarzenegger went on to say. The Hollywood... (Continue reading)

Brown targets state-funded mandates

Talk about Gov. Jerry Brown’s plans to repair the budget through realignment has focused on his proposed elimination of redevelopment agencies, a prospect that has local governments like Atascadero worried that the scrapping of its redevelopment agency could stymie plans... (Continue reading)

Man attempts to hijack parking enforcement vehicle

Police arrested a San Luis Obispo man who allegedly stole from an 85-year-old man on a city bus, attempted to hijack a parking enforcement vehicle and tried to take a Taser gun from a police officer. Police said Tyler Dean... (Continue reading)

Hearst: “Time to end this controversy”

Stephen Hearst issued a statement over the weekend, trying to mute a simmering controversy over the shooting of three zebras in early January. In his press statement, Hearst took full responsibility for owning the zebras. The three were allegedly shot... (Continue reading)

Deputies search for alleged child molestor

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s deputies are looking for a Nipomo resident suspected of several counts of child molestation. Deputies describe Marcos Saldana Hernandez as 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing about 220 pounds with black hair and brown eyes.... (Continue reading)

New horoscope signs, a new you

Just yesterday you were an emotional, loyal homebody, born under the sign of the crab. And then today, according to an astronomer, you are an independent, social, talkative Gemini. [MinnesotaStarTribune] How did this happen? According to Parke Kunkle, a board... (Continue reading)

Hearst vs. Fiscalini: The prequel

Recent news coverage of the shooting of the three Hearst Ranch zebras suggests an undertone of dislike between ranchers David Fiscalini and Stephen Hearst. This current battle is nothing new to people who have followed the two families over the... (Continue reading)

California schools rank 30th in nation

California schools received a C grade and ranked 30th in the nation in an annual education survey released Tuesday. [CaliforniaWatch] The annual Quality Counts report, published by Editorial Projects in Education Research Center, is based on surveys sent to the... (Continue reading)