By Matt Kokkonen All over America, voters are rejecting the lies and half-truths of politicians. They are rejecting “business-as-usual” politics, secret political agendas, and the influence of Big Money on our elections. They are demanding greater transparency and accountability from public officials. They... (Continue reading)
Opinion by KAREN REED The City of Paso Robles has taken the final steps to saddle us with exorbitant and irresponsible water rates. They have done a good job of making everyone believe this is a water issue. This is... (Continue reading)
Opinion By PETE EVANS I remember before we had Farmer’s Market. The stores were open late and local young people hung out and cruised in cars down Higuera and up Marsh. The establishment just couldn’t stand this outlet for our... (Continue reading)
By DAVID CONGALTON Allow me to expand on a Comment I posted this morning under the story by Karen Velie entitled “New Times, Old Photo.” The article has generated many comments, some directed at me for deleting some comments I... (Continue reading)
By PETER SCHEER Search warrants have always been a blunt instrument for finding evidence of crime. Think of television cop shows from the 70s and 80s: A police search of an apartment for drugs was, de facto, a license to... (Continue reading)
By JULIE TACKER “Tri-W,” “Mid-Town,” “Sewer Park”, whatever you call it, currently belongs to the wastewater Prohibition Zone of Los Osos, paid for by the 2001 $24 million sewer assessment. The $3,010,025 purchase was made by the 2003 Los Osos... (Continue reading)
By JASON TEWELL CALPERS (State of California employees) are about to be forced, by Blue Shield of California, to use only a mail-order pharmacy in New Mexico to receive prescription benefits. Several of the patients from my store that are going to be... (Continue reading)
By JACK McCURDY A landmark new state policy that for the first time would restrict and phase out use of estuary, delta and ocean water for cooling coastal power plants has drawn the adamant opposition of the Coastal Alliance on... (Continue reading)
By RACHEL LYNN SCHERZ Children need therapy. Teenagers need therapy. There I said it. For so long, I’ve shied away from such bold and finite statements. But after years of working in elementary, middle, and high schools, being a nanny, ... (Continue reading)
By STACEY WARDE Worried that I might sink into a hole, squeaking out an inadequate living as a part-time farmhand, Mom suggests that I look into an opening at Fairhaven Memorial Park and Mortuary, not far from where she lives.... (Continue reading)