CalCoastNews Contributor

Leslie Ramsey Halls

Leslie Ramsey Halls lives and works in San Luis Obispo.

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Open letter to Tom Fulks

OPINION By LESLIE RAMSEY I knew you over thirty years ago when you were a reporter for the Five Cities Times-Press-Recorder. You did a good job following local politics and wrote pretty balanced stories, even about those people with whom you may have personally disagreed. We could talk to one another, and I had confidence […]... (Continue Reading)

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Singing the San Luis baseball blues

OPINION BY LESLIE RAMSEY HALLS I am a minority shareholder in the San Luis Blues baseball franchise. I purchased a 5 percent share in the team in 1998. Over the years I contributed considerable time, effort, and money to keep the team viable and improve the quality of baseball here in San Luis Obispo. I […]... (Continue Reading)