Residents of Sunny Acres, expecting to be evicted on Friday, do not have to move out quite yet. Dan de Vaul appealed a San Luis Obispo Superior Court judge’s ruling that the homeless have to vacate Sunny Acres because many... (Continue reading)
[youtube h4lLPSdJ0pM 630 375] Dan DeVaul has been getting all sorts of media attention lately. Now he’s apparently going Hollywood. A pair of documentary filmmakers have been shadowing DeVaul and will soon release a documentary about the whole controversy. Here’s... (Continue reading)
The Pewter Plough Playhouse, currently in its 34th season, may soon be facing a final curtain, unless building owners can raise funds to install a new fire sprinkler system. County officials and the Cambria Fire Department are requiring the community... (Continue reading)
First in a series By DANIEL BLACKBURN Dan De Vaul, meet The Apostle. While county officials pursue a vigorous (some say pernicious) criminal prosecution against high-profile De Vaul and his South County Sunny Acres Ranch for the hapless, another, longer-running code enforcement drama... (Continue reading)
By DANIEL BLACKBURN “They” are, indeed, watching. Cameras are peeking through the clouds above San Luis Obispo County, and some residents are finding them not only invasive, but expensive.... (Continue reading)
By DANIEL BLACKBURN Powerful winds ripping across San Luis Obispo County in recent weeks battered, bent and broke numerous billboards along the Highway 101 and Highway 1 corridors, and now county officials are considering denying replacement of damaged signs. The county’s enforcement... (Continue reading)
By DANIEL BLACKBURN Posted 1/30/2008 Powerful winds ripping across San Luis Obispo County in recent weeks battered, bent and broke numerous billboards along the Highway 101 and Highway 1 corridors, and now... (Continue reading)