Articles Tagged With ‘Kelly Gearhart’


In an April 29 story about Paso Robles’ Vista del Hombre project, reported incorrectly that “Hurst has not foreclosed on Vista del Hombre, despite its contractual promise to protect investors if developers are delinquent on their agreements for at... (Continue reading)

COMMENTARY: Gearhart’s museum offer mystifying

By DANIEL BLACKBURN and KAREN VELIE Generosity occurs for very few reasons. Kelly Gearhart, a North County property developer known for his altruism, has donated space to the Atascadero Historical Society for its museum. Gearhart wants to let the society house its... (Continue reading)

A timeline for every agenda

Atascadero City Manager Wade McKinney will tell the city council Tuesday that federal reconstruction funds for the city’s youth center were acquired through appropriate means. ... (Continue reading)