Weyrich living high while employees and brides-to-be suffer

January 19, 2010

David Weyrich's rental home


While North County businessman David Weyrich has insufficient funds in his accounts to cover payroll checks and has refused to return wedding reservation deposits, he continues to live high on the hog, CalCoastNews has learned.

Employees of Weyrich’s Villa Toscana have informed couples who made reservations for their 2010 weddings that their deposits of up to $10,000 – in some cases – won’t be returned.

The luxury bed and breakfast spot in Paso Robles, the couples have been told, is to be closed, sources told CalCoastNews.

Jenn Hocker, a wedding designer and coordinator with Allure Event Design in San Luis Obispo, said that one of the biggest challenges these couples face will be trying to find a new venue this late in the (spring wedding) season.

“Even if they have sent out their invitations, they need to focus and pick a new venue,” Hocker said. “A lot of people book Villa Toscana because it is a dream place. I feel very sorry for everyone involved.”

Villa Toscana

Meanwhile, wedding professionals throughout San Luis Obispo County have pledged to offer substantial discounts to prospective brides who had booked their weddings at Villa Toscana.

For example, Vintage Traditions has stepped forward to assist couples who suddenly find themselves without a wedding venue by offering special rates at Avila Beach Golf Resort, Blacklake Golf Resort and Santa Margarita Ranch.

“The community will try to help out those in need with venues, unfortunately, it is a little late in the season,” said Sean Dasmann, Central Coast Wedding Professionals public relations director.

In addition, for more than a year, Weyrich has frequently paid his Carlton Hotel employees with checks that bounce. Employees claim managers at the Atascadero hotel wait until after 6 p.m. on Friday to distribute paychecks.

Employees, aware of Weyrich’s money woes, would race to Santa Lucia Bank on Monday mornings to be the first in line to be paid. Those at the end of the line had about a 50 percent chance that their checks would clear, sources said.

“You would have to be one of the first in line to be able to cash your check,” said Cassandra Hetrick, a former front desk assistant who quit the week before Christmas because she could not afford to buy gas to get to work. “I was warned after I was hired not to put the checks in my account because they would bounce.”

Though she has tried numerous times to cash the last paycheck she was given, she has been unsuccessful.

“I have one paycheck from Dec. 11 and they still owe me another check,” Hetrick said.

Meanwhile, Weyrich has moved out of his former 7,700-square-foot home because of a foreclosure, and is currently renting a 4,300-square-foot, $2 million home on Beaver Creek Road in Paso Robles.

“I think it stinks,” Hetrick said of Weyrich’s opulent lifestyle while not paying his employees. “Compared to the rent of a $2 million mansion, my $600 check is chump change. You have to take care of the people who work for you.”

Weyrich received his investment capital in 1998 when he sold Martin Media for $610 million, a company previously owned by father-in-law Edward Martin. The proceeds were divided up between family members and investors.

During the past 10 years, Weyrich invested in a number of risky business ventures, including a chain of “family-values” newspapers, scores of upscale real-estate developments, wineries, hotels and a jet-leasing business. He purchased millions of dollars in property, jet aircraft and a yacht.

Currently, Weyrich is deep in debt. He owes approximately $60 million to more than 150 agencies, lenders, vendors and individuals, according to inside sources familiar with his finances.

During the past few months, one of Weyrich’s creditors, Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Co., has been attempting to force a public auction of Villa Toscana, Martin and Weyrich Winery, York Mountain Winery and several vineyards to cover a $20 million debt. The auction, already postponed several times, is now scheduled for Feb. 1.

Neither Weyrich nor managers of some of his various ventures responded to CalCoastNews’ repeated requests for comment.

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As Catholic Christians David and Mary Weyrich need to remember that certain (mortal) sins “cry out to heaven.” From the Cathechism of the Catholic Church:

“CCC1867 The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are “sins that cry to heaven”: the blood of Abel, the sin of the Sodomites, the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan, injustice to the wage earner.”

Take a look at the last one, stop screwing people out of wages/money owed and go make an integral confession. As it is your souls are in jeopardy.

David Weyrich AM Radio

relevant excerpt from a Salon dot com article “… Weyrich, a staunch Catholic and family man with eight children, has also been active in conservative causes. The New York Times reported in August that in addition to making donations to local candidates for county supervisor and Cal Poly’s Republican Club, Weyrich was part of a group of wealthy Roman Catholic businessmen who started a radio network called Catholic Family Radio.

Sort of like Rush Limbaugh for Catholics, the all-talk format features politicians such as former California Attorney General Dan Lungren and offers a conservative melange of anti-tax, anti-abortion family values. Joining Weyrich in the venture were other wealthy conservative Catholics like Thomas Monaghan, former chairman of Domino’s Pizza, and Peter Lynch, former money manager of the Fidelity Magellan Fund.”

John Lynch, Catholic Family Radio’s chief executive (no relation to Peter Lynch), told the Times, “We are trying to stealth evangelize, as opposed to the Christian evangelicals who do hitting over the head evangelizing

Hope the rest of the boys roll in the same mud!

How does someone lose $200,000,000.00 in 10 years! I feel very badly for those who worked and cannot cash their checks. I had that happen once and it is nothing but stealing the time and services of your employee. It’s terrible that these brides who should be planning the best day of their life are subjected to this stress. All in all if the allegations in this article are true, Mr. Weyrich is indeed committing crimes that should be prosecuted. I don’t understand why some insist on making this a political thing. It is simple about a inept business man committing crimes and hurting people.

P.S. The Carlton has always been way over rated. $12.00 drinks served by a surly bartender and sushi made with undercooked rice. Yeech!

“For example, Vintage Traditions has stepped forward to assist couples”

Wadn’t Vintidge Tridishins a Cal Coast News sponsor?

VINTAGE TRADITIONS: The latest CCN sponsor= Santa Margarita Ranch & Rossi Filliponi Wittstrom /Hetrtel/Fowler partners..I hear they are .holding weddings/Huge events without the proper permits or zoning-they are only permitted for non – profit events. Thats great to be able to make a buck but don’t these guys EVER have to follow the rules like everyone else??? No more stories on them anymore though-they are payen the bills-It’s business as usual! Santa Lucia Bank ….where Filipponi sits on the board with Katcho…wonder how they are holding up with Weyrich obligations unpaid? Comes around goes around….

Jeez Dave, check out your comment. Errant fingers? I know you can do better than that. And what is the intent of your message?

Just seems like plugs for businesses are showing up in articles here. Vintage Traditions ran banner ads and Meathead Movers seems to get plenty of press.

Not that it may make a big difference but I would suggest if you don’t like Weyrick DON’T eat at the Carlton restaurant. I ate there once after it opened. When I found out about the business he put under and others that were delayed payment, while he enjoyed the good life, that was my FIRST AND LAST time I ate there. Don’t give the S.O.B. your business. We have other restaurants in area that I am sure would love the business. Just a suggestion.

P.S. BCP is a troll. Don’t feed the trolls.

I support big and small businesses, as long as they are honest.

Good suggestion, we should never support people like him, or his businesses.

To Villa Toscana Bride: I am so sorry about how you are being treated. I am a local wedding planner and I know of a beautiful wedding venue, High Ridge Manor Bed and Breakfast, that would like to help Villa Toscana brides. If you are at all interested, you can contact me through facebook.


We are new to the wedding business, but do have a beautiful venue in Paso Robles and open dates this spring. Check us out on http://www.weddingwire.com and http://www.herecomesthebride.com, or go directly to http://www.adelaidacellars.com. My daughter was married 2 years ago and my heart goes out to all the brides and mothers of the brides who are having to scramble. So stressful!

Not to steer this thing off topic or anything, but if Atascaderans are sick of the sucky Martin/Weyrich wine that the Carlton serves, stop by the new wine bar that opened two doors down (to the south) on Monday night. Nice place. I think it’s called “Haven.” Don’t be surprised to see many of the Carlton’s former patrons are hanging there now.

Oh …. one other thought.

Where is the DA Shea on yet another fraudster?

Missing in Action as usual?

Duh, Shea is always missing in action. Maybe he is on Way-rich’s payroll.

It is not that David Weyrich has fallen on hard times, almost everyone has. And it is not because he was so wealthy. And it is not that he is probably the worst businessman ever – how do you lose $200 million in 10 years?

This is news because he has done un-ethical things to cover-up his huge business failings and acts as if he is owed his lifestyle even if he stomps all over others dreams.

First, he borrowed lots of money near the end, and lied about his financial stability – that’s a crime I think. Then he has his employees tell creditors the bills will be paid on a certain date when he has no intention of paying. He has his employees sign guarantees and keeps him and his family an arms length away. His friends say he has money socked away and he will be just fine, he will file bankruptcy, restructure, and continue his lifestyle.

Meanwhile, small businesses – and large – are failing because they believed his lies and over extended credit to him. His employees and the brides – well you know. And all the while he and his brood continue to live the high life in numerous ways.

So Black Copter Pilot, the issue is when you have cheated others, or even if you didn’t, you should pay your bills, not bounce check to hourly employees, before you purchase expensive toys, rent an expensive home, and generally overspend.

I find it odd your sympathy is with Weyrich and not his creditors, employees, and the brides.

Oh he has fallen on hard times has he? This stalworth of the Christian-GOP far right has fallen on hard times?

Id like to hear evangelical host Pat Robertson’s take. Robertson suggested that the recent earthquake and the hard times now faced by the Haitians were due to a pact they made with the devil during French colonial rule..

Maybe this logic could be applied to Weyrich too.

Face it Copter Pilot …. You can try and justify it all you want but he is just another north county crook !!!

I truly love it when I rile the ranks of the left………

you forgot to explain why this is news

Just pointing out the Hypocrisy and that can can from any side of the political spectrum. There are Jerks on the right of us and Jerks on the left of us … Ain’t I right there Mr. Pilot ?

But then again there are some who refuse to see people in there own party as the crooks they really are. Do you fit the bill Mr. Pilot?

And you forgot to explain why this is an argument . . . . .