Proposed SLO homeless campus clears major hurdle

February 17, 2010

A new homeless campus being proposed for San Luis Obispo cleared a major regulatory hurdle Wednesday afternoon.  The County Airport Land Use Commission voted six to one to change the zoning on a one-acre parcel of county-owned land on Prado Road.

The location is being pitched as the site of a new 200-bed homeless campus, combining the current operations of the Prado Road Day Center and the Maxine Lewis Shelter. Land Use Commission approval was required since the proposed facility is in the airport flight path.

District III county supervisor Adam Hill, who is helping to spearhead the new facility, said earlier this week that he was not aware of any previous exemptions granted by the commission. A proposal to build a senior center on the property owned by Ernie Dalidio, for example, had been nixed by the Land Use Commission because of the flight path concerns.

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I’m sorry but I have to say that this is a total waste of money. Just curious where is this money suppose to come from, the state is broke!

Just because I do not agree with this “Campus” for the homeless, does not make me heartless.

Where does it say that the citizens of slo county or city for that matter should shoulder the burden and expense of the homeless. Put it to a vote, not some quick fix with out any end game in sight. The homeless, in there plight left the counties where they had parents or families yes. they took to the path less traveled. Each one of them, unless extremely mentally challenged or alcohol and or drug addicted put themselves in a very unenviable position. You cannot say at one time they didn’t have someone in there family tree that didn’t support some sort of a tax base. They just didn’t just appear out of thin air.They have taken there freedom of choice to such a degree that it now puts people and communities and a host of emergency services to the test. It seems we are in an awareness phase with our country, we say we are at odds with those in are society that rob from tax payers in the guise of banks,failed wall street thugs or worse politicians. Does what I’m saying make you at least think. I know full well what the effects of financial displacement can do to a person and possible displacement of a family. What about those who’s families had no other choice but to have the mental health and court systems run there course. These people do lose a great portion of there rights to impose upon us all. They get taken by the very people who would now supposedly be helping them without a vote by the citizens of the county. Remember the bottom line when they closed down a county institution locally, San Luis Obispo County General Hospital. This life is sometimes is a veil of tears. Nothing drys so fast as the tears of a person that if possible doesn’t impose there lifestyle on others. Put it to a vote. Help those truly in need and protect those that might help them.

I am all for helping those in need…I think this will be abused..mark my words..IF you build it they will come.” families that are in need should have a place to go..there are however lots of homeless people that choose this way of life…those that dont choose to be homeless do in fact need a hand…so I think this is good and bad

Good.. glad they are doing this

Don’t do as I do,Do as I say!