May, 2010

Study: California global warming law could cause businesses to flee

A new study by the state’s Legislative Analyst’s office suggests a law requiring power plants, factories, and other businesses to cut greenhouse gas emissions could cause energy prices to rise and prompt businesses to either halt expansion or leave. [Los... (Continue reading)

Downtown Association and SLOFMA get one last chance

In what one local farmer called “an 11th hour intervention,” the Downtown Association and the San Luis Obispo Farmers’ Market Association (SLOFMA) will make one last effort to mediate their differences before possible intervention by the City Council. “I think... (Continue reading)

Tony Cipolla quits KSBY

After 20 years at KSBY, news anchor Tony Cipolla is calling it quits. [Tribune] Cipolla, 46, told the Tribune that he and KSBY’s management could not agree on a salary contract. “Management offered me a salary with a 40 percent... (Continue reading)

Letter to the San Luis Obispo City Council

Opinion By PETE EVANS I remember before we had Farmer’s Market. The stores were open late and local young people hung out and cruised in cars down Higuera and up Marsh. The establishment just couldn’t stand this outlet for our... (Continue reading)

Good sign: More Americans planning to get away this summer

A new study suggests that more Americans are planning on going somewhere on vacation this summer, staying longer, and spending more money. [Los Angeles Times] The study, released Monday by American Express, reports that of those Americans who plan to... (Continue reading)

Thursday night Farmers’ Market talks fail; city council called back in

A special San Luis Obispo City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 4 p.m. to determine why on-going negotiations between the San Luis Obispo County Farmers’ Market Association (SLOFMA) and the Downtown Association have apparently failed. The meeting, open... (Continue reading)

The Boys at New Times and Ms. Velie

By DAVID CONGALTON Allow me to expand on a Comment I posted this morning under the story by Karen Velie entitled “New Times, Old Photo.” The article has generated many comments, some directed at me for deleting some comments I... (Continue reading)

Schwarzenegger fails to deliver on central promise

During the insanity that became California’s recall campaign of 2003, candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger promised that he would bring spending in line with tax revenues and enact long-term budget reform. Now, serving out his final year in office, Schwarzenegger faces an... (Continue reading)

Education rally planned for Wednesday in Paso

A public rally to call attention to California’s broken education funding process is set for Wednesday May 19 in Paso Robles. The event is part of a statewide series of rallies being organized Wednesday by the newly-formed California Advocates United... (Continue reading)

CSU summer school students face extra fee

Students registering for summer school classes on the 23 California State University campuses are discovering an extra fee on their bill, raising the cost for a full load by about $1,000. [Sacramento Bee] The new fee translates into as much... (Continue reading)