Whitman admits hiring undocumented housekeeper

September 30, 2010

Meg Whitman admitted Wednesday that she paid an undocumented worker to clean her residence and provide other services in her home for nine years but insisted that she had been unaware of the woman’s immigration status.

The Republican gubernatorial candidate, who has vowed throughout the campaign to crack down on illegal immigration, initially hired Nicandra Diaz Santillan through an employment agency.

Whitman said at the time of hiring that Diaz Santillan showed her a copy of her Social Security card and California driver’s license, and campaign officials distributed those documents to the media.

The former E-Bay CEO said she fired Diaz Santillan in June 2009 after the woman revealed that she was living in the country illegally.

However, Diaz Santillan said at a Wednesday news conference in the office of her attorney, Gloria Allred, that Whitman had been aware she was undocumented and used that knowledge to exploit her on the job.

The allegations bring to mind the failed U.S. Senate campaign of Santa Barbara millionaire Michael Huffington, who barely lost to Dianne Feinstein in 1994 after it was reveal he had also hired undocumented workers.

Just lasr Tuesday night, in the debate against her Democratic opponent, Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, Whitman had reiterated her disapproval of employers who hire illegal immigrants, saying, “We do have to hold employers accountable for hiring only documented workers, and we do have to enforce that law.”

Analysts say the new allegations could hurt Whitman’s standing with Hispanic voters and conservatives who are already upset with her for being too soft on immigration.

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LOU DOBBS hypocrite hires undocumented workers in real life calls for felony charge against employers on his CNN show.

This one story tells the story of the bigger picture in so many ways. A very wealthy nation shares the border with a very poor nation. The wealthy nation says you may not cross our border, but it you take the risk and come on over there are thousands of labor intensive jobs. When you are so poor you can’t feed your family, courageous hard working people decide to take that risk for the survival and well-being of their family. A scenario that built America.

On the American side are the thousands of employers who simply need dependable people who are willing to show up day after day for a very non-glamouous labor intensive job. The type of job that Americans either never apply for, or may show up for and disappear after a day, a week or a month. The employer who has this type of job advertises the open position and from those who apply takes the documents presented and reports the information to the state and federal agencies. If there is a problem, it’s up to the government to let the employer know. The employer should not have to be a SS expert. The employer is obviously going to keep those whose documentation is accepted and who work out and falthfully do their job.

Enter Meg Whitman. A busy lady who wanted a maid. She obviously finds someone who not only is a hard worker, but is dependable. A keeper. Someone you employ for 9 years – a rarity for that type of job. Now in Whitman’s case, she IS notified of a SS problem, but the covneience of having a person working for her who suites her needs and is dependable overrides the hastle of dealing with a SS problem. But Whitman takes it a step farther – she spends her millions campaigning across CA that the way to fix the immigration problem is to get tough on employers. Not her of course, but all the others who are relieved to find a long-term, hard-working employee for a labor intensive hard-to-fill position. How shallow of her. How hypocritical. The exact qualities that caused the problem to begin with. How hypociritcal of Americans to eat the fruit harvested by immigrants for dozens of years and then “solve the problem” by calling them and their employers criminals rather than promoting a legal program that issues work visas for hard to fill jobs. Americans seem to have some fantasy with keeping something that’s either needed or popular illegal so they can fine and throw people in jail – then complain about all the state workers needed to run their prison system.

Where did all the repugs go? Did Fox tell you to put out a fire in another election? Is this one quelled? I’ll see you after Saturday night’s debate.

And I quote, “Speaking of Meg Whitman, she’s apparently well along in her training as a member of the dark side. In 2007, she physically assaulted an eBay employee who was trying to prepare her for a press interview. The employee pressed charges and later settled out of court. Here’s the New York Times story:

In June 2007, an eBay employee claimed that Ms. Whitman became angry and forcefully pushed her in an executive conference room at eBay’s headquarters, according to multiple former eBay employees with knowledge of the incident. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because the matter was delicate and was deemed to be strictly confidential.

The employee, Young Mi Kim, was preparing Ms. Whitman for a news media interview that day. Ms. Kim, who was not injured in the incident, hired a lawyer and threatened a lawsuit, but the dispute was resolved under the supervision of a private mediator. Two of the former employees said the company paid a six-figure financial settlement to Ms. Kim, which one of them characterized as “around $200,000.”

The article goes on to describe how Whitman was reputed to bully her staff, “express[ing] sharp bursts of anger toward employees whose work or preparation she found lacking.”

This is the same woman who now wants to be governor of California.” Nothing to see here.

By the way, since she falsified State of California documentation (we can forget the Federal Government, they don’t care), she should be arrested and deported. Damn it, she committed a crime and I for one am sick of everyone turning their backs on these situation and thinking it is OK.

Whitman is not the crimial here.. How can we be a society of law and order when we don’t enforce these laws or we pick and choose which ones we want.

This whole situation is another Allred/Brown ploy. Debate on Tuesday night, Allred press conference on Wednesday afternoon presenting Diaz, another press conference on Thursday afternoon (guess they couldn’t find the SS letter for Wednesday’s conferencey), and Brown in running the political ads on this today on Spanish speaking TV. This whole thing is a no brain moombean!!!!!

Diaz applied for a housekeeping job. She provided falsified immigration documentation papers to Whitman and the agency. She falsified information for a driver’s license to the State of California. She worked for nine (9) years for the Whitman’s without making any legal complaints about not getting paid for hours or miles she worked for without pay. Did I mention nine (9) years employment! (I’m still looking for the wrong by the Whitman’s here). The Whitman’s had their choice of hiring anyone they wanted. The obviously paid the housekeeper, for a part time job, a good salary. If there is a paper from SS with writing on it from Dr. Whitman and given to Diaz questioning the error on the social security number, please take care of it, and no other letters, then as a reasonable person I would think Diaz would have taken care of this.

So, now that this Illegal Alien has been outed as having used someone Else’s SS number and ID, and falsified documents to get a job here in CA after entering the country ILLEGALLY and Gloria the ambulance chaser has made it back on TV in the limelight, has ICE rounded up Ms. Diaz and deported her or arrested Ms. Allred for aiding and abetting a felon?

Interesting that this story broke within a week of the first gubernatorial debate and by moonbeams good friend and long time supporter, Gloria the ambulance chaser…