Parkinson takes on the Incredible Hulk (seriously)

October 11, 2010

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s candidate Ian Parkinson may avoid debates on KVEC, or interviews with our intrepid reporter Karen Velie, but no one declines an interview with the Incredible Hulk.

Just when you thought that Parkinson couldn’t become any more unpredictable after his TV commercial last summer for a local home loan company, comes this four-part “interview” currently available on YouTube.

The Hulk, AKA actor Lou Ferrigno, who has a house on the Central Coast, sat down recently with our Man-Who-Would-Be-Sheriff (if-only-CalCoastNews-would-stop-writing-about-me) and asked him the tough questions.

We wonder if critics will call it The Incredible Hunk meets The Incredible Hulk.

No word yet as to whether Parkinson will next appear on the Rick Martel Show.

Enjoy today’s surreal Moment of Zen and keeping telling yourself  The election is almost over.

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Que the Twilight Zone music…

Just what the hell is the matter with Parkinson? :\

Karen Velie

I have the highest respect for you ability as an investigative reporter.

As Enstein said, genius is perspiration.

I hate to put you on the spot light.

But in terms of long term sucess, I have to ask you, are you partial to Joe Cortez because he has donated or paid for advertisment on your site?

Everyone has a price, Even Jarvis!

It would feel unfair to ask even offensive but it is also natural to appreciate fundings to keep your good works in operation.

I ask this because us older guys have a sense your indirectly leaning to promote Joe Cortez.

I am neither for Parkinson nor Cortex, my first choice is Ben Hall, next Jerry Lenthal simply because of their education and experience.

One of my friends (Not a Parkinson supporter but favor Cortez) said, “you can tell-things never change!”

Willie, have you considered how much advertising CCN has lost do to certain stories? What do you think the Wallace story cost CCN? You have a lot of nerve asking if CCN is bias. What has CCN wrote that wasn’t true about Parkinson? Have you considered that there isn’t anything out there about Cortez to write about? The only thing anyone has been able to “dig up” was his disability claim and it not only turns out that 80% of the PD’s and FD’s have all filed those types of claims but so did Parkinson. What do you want CCN to do, make something up? AS for the video Parkinson made, it is a joke. So be it.


Your right, I appologize.

I’m just getting old.

Old guys like to test the minds of others at times.

Main point, I was out of line, thank you.

I was hoping Karen (I know she is busy) would have said what you said to me.

Strength comes or is demonstrated from or under adversity.

No ordinary person gets an interview with a celebrity unless they know someone in a position of power or have a network, then comes the rehearsals and acting to form or direct or alter the public belief critera.

Lou seems like too nice of a guy to be used by Parkinson like this…

That’s 20 minuets of my life I’ll never get back :(

What was the purpose of this interview? It was nothing but fluff.

Parkinson says he wants to reduce jail population by reducing the frequency of drug and alcohol offenders, but he does not say how he will do or pay for it!

Parkinson says he wants to increase community policing, but once again he does not say how he will do or pay for it!

Parkinson says he wants to increase integrity and public trust, but again he does not say how he will do it!

I like to know how Parkinson as patrol captain who directly overseas the city’s patrol officers can explain how the Jeff Milne incident cost the city 195,000 for unlawful arrest, excessive force, assault and battery, violation of civil rights, spoliation of evidence, and negligence. Most importantly where did the missing evidence of the on scene and interrogation room recordings disappear too?

Obviously, Police Officer & Police Management Integrity is the most aggrieves shame of this entire incident that occurred under the command of Captain Ian Parkinson.

Let’s not forget, that there has not been any public statement regarding any consequences or disciplinary actions towards any of the responding officers or how the city plans to prevent this type of ridicules police behavior from repeating!

In thinking about the “interview” a little more, I wonder if Ian seated there facing Lou Ferrigno doesn’t think he is looking into a mirror, even though his baby smooth, milk white biceps really don’t compare to the impressive figure Mr. Ferrigno cuts. Maybe Ian turns green when he gets real mad?

Bummer, I posted this link over at the Tribune last night. At that time the video only had 18 views and I wanted everybody to see it. As of this moment it’s just over a 100 views and I had expected more than that!

I would really like the public to see what Parkinson thinks is important, what he thinks the issues are and how he thinks it’s all about personality, charm and good looks. I didn’t hear him address one single hard question apart from marijuana, where he said that he is against legalization because people break into the homes of people who they know have it to steal it! He even mentioned a couple of deaths over someone having marijuana. I won’t comment on that as this is about his opinions, not mine. I’m just sitting on the side lines watching. Let’s get this video out there, it’s good and tells us how and what he thinks is IMPORTANT.

Everybody loves a good softball game. Popcorn, anyone?