Whitman spends $76 per vote to win primary

Meg Whitman clinched the Republican nomination for California governor Tuesday night, but the victory came with a pretty steep price tag. [California Watch] Whitman, the former eBay CEO, spent $76 per voter to claim the nomination from insurance commissioner Steve... (Continue reading)

Absentee ballots expected to be counted by Friday

Tuesday’s election may be over, but there are still 18, 198 absentee ballots to be counted as of Wednesday afternoon. County officials hope to have all the votes tallied by Friday afternoon. Meanwhile, Santa Barbara County officials have yet to... (Continue reading)

Los Angeles Times likes San Luis Creek Lodge

It is always interesting to see how San Luis Obispo is portrayed in the travel industry and which places seem to get the ink. Case in point: The decidedly upscale San Luis Creek Inn on Monterey Street which just earned... (Continue reading)

Bomb scare in Atascadero

UPDATE: The “bomb” turned out to be a firecracker. Atascadero police are reporting that a pipe bomb has been found Wednesday morning on the Santa Barbara overpass. The Highway 101 overpass at the south end of town remains closed off.... (Continue reading)

Whooping cough on the increase in San Luis Obispo County

County public health officials are continuing to investigate a major increase in the number of cases of whooping cough, also known as pertussis. Locally, more than 100 cases of whooping cough have been identified, compared to 2 cases in 2009... (Continue reading)

New Arroyo Grande councilwoman leads a harried secret life

Scandal ridden former councilmember Ed Arnold stepped down to allow the Arroyo Grande City Council to avoid distraction related to his personal life, and at his replacement’s first council meeting, questions about her lifestyle started a confrontation between her supporters... (Continue reading)

Bordonaro steps down as local Republican chair

Former state assemblyman and current county assessor Tom Bordonaro is no longer chair of the county Republican Central Committee. Bordonaro, who remains on the committee, recently gave up the chairmanship, according to multiple sources, in order to endorse Katcho Achadjian... (Continue reading)

And the winners are . . .

Here we are, live in CalCoastNews Election Central, waiting for the first returns to be posted. Check with us throughout the evening as we report on the results from today’s California primary. And feel free to add comments as we... (Continue reading)

Coastal Commission head steps aside to fight lung cancer

Peter Douglas, executive director of the California Coastal Commission and an author of the state’s landmark Coastal Act, is fighting lung cancer and will now have a reduced day-to-day role in this key state agency. [Los Angeles Times] Douglas, 67, is... (Continue reading)

Update: Details about Bolts DUI arrest

San Luis Obispo Undersheriff Steve Bolts is currently on vacation without pay and his DUI arrest Saturday night is scheduled to be the subject of an internal investigation by the Sheriff’s department [Tribune] Two Atascadero police officers responded to an... (Continue reading)